
viernes, 7 de enero de 2022



My dear friends,

I think that you, who are now in the Ministry and who wanted to preserve the Tradition, have the will to be priests as always, as were the holy priests of before, all the holy parish priests and the holy priests that we ourselves were able to meet in the parishes. You continue and truly represent the Church, the Catholic Church. I think it is necessary to be convinced of this: you truly represent the Catholic Church. The Visible Church. Not that there is no Church outside of us; It's not about that. But in recent times, we have been told that it was necessary for Tradition to enter the visible Church. I think a very, very serious mistake is made there. Where is the visible Church? The visible Church is recognized by the signs that it has always given for its visibility: it is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. (These four notes are the foundation of the true Catholic  Church: one for its foundation, Saint for whom it was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Catholic because it is universal in its faith, in its dogmas, in its doctrine and in its Latin language. Apostolic because comes from the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

I ask you: where are the true notes of the Church? Are they in the official Church (it is not about the visible Church, it is about the official Church, that is, the modernist) or in us, in what we represent, what we are? It is clear that we are the ones who preserve the unity of the faith, which disappeared from the official Church, read modernist. One bishop believes in this, the other does not; faith is different, its abominable catechisms contain heresies. Where is the unity of faith in Rome? Where is the unity of faith in the world? It is in us, who preserve it.

The unity of faith realized throughout the world is catholicity. Now, this unity of faith in the whole world no longer exists, there is therefore practically no more catholicity. There will soon be as many Catholic Churches as there are bishops and dioceses. Each one has his way of seeing, thinking, preaching, and doing his catechism. There is no more catholicity. Apostolicity? They broke with the past, that is, with the two thousand year old tradition. If they did something, well that's it. They don't want to know more about the past before Vatican II.

Look at the Pope's Motu Proprio that condemns us, he says well: "Living Tradition, this is Vatican II." It is not necessary to refer to before Vatican II, that does not mean anything. The Church carries Tradition with her from century to century. What happened, happened, disappeared. All Tradition is found in the Church today.  What is this Tradition? What is it linked to? How is it linked to the past?  It is what allows them to say the opposite of what was said before, while pretending, at the same time, to keep the Tradition for themselves. This is what the Pope asks of us:  to submit to living Tradition. We would have a bad concept of Tradition, because for them it is alive and, consequently, evolutionary. But, it is the modernist error: the holy Pope Pius X, in the encyclical "Pascendi", condemns these terms of  "living tradition",  of  "living Church", of "living faith", etc., in the sense that modernists they understand it, that is to say, of the evolution that depends on the historical circumstances. The truth of Revelation, the explanation of Revelation, would depend on historical circumstances. (Here is the "living tradition of the modernists")

Apostolicity: we are united to the Apostles by authority. My priesthood comes from the Apostles; your priesthood comes from the Apostles. We are the children of those who gave us the episcopate. My episcopate descends from the holy Pope Pius V and through him we go back to the Apostles. As for the apostolicity of the faith, we believe the same faith as the Apostles. We don't change anything and we don't want to change anything. And then holiness. We are not going to compliment or praise each other. If we do not want to consider ourselves, let us consider others and consider the fruits of our apostolate, the fruits of vocations, of our religious men and women, and also in Christian families. Good and holy Christian families germinate thanks to your apostolate. It is a fact, no one denies it.Even our progressive visitors to Rome were well aware of the good quality of our work. When Mgr Perl said to the Sisters of Saint Pré and the Sisters of Fanjeaux that it is on bases like these that it will be necessary to rebuild the Church, it is not, despite everything, a small compliment. All this shows that it is we who have the notes of the visible Church. If there is still a visibility of the Church today, it is thanks to you. These signs are no longer found in the others. There is no longer the unity of faith in them; Now, it is faith that is the basis of all visibility of the Church. Catholicity is one faith in space. Apostolicity is faith one in time. Holiness is the fruit of faith, which is made concrete in souls by the grace of the Good God, by the grace of the Sacraments.It is totally false to consider ourselves as if we were not part of the visible Church. Is incredible.

It is the official Church that rejects us; but we are not the ones who reject the Church, far from that. On the contrary, we are always united to the Roman Church and even to the Pope of course, to the successor of Peter. I think it is necessary for us to have this conviction so as not to fall into the errors that are spreading now. Leave the Church?

Of course, it will be possible to object to us: Is it necessary, necessarily, to leave the visible Church so as not to lose the soul, to leave the society of the faithful united to the Pope ”? It is not us, but the modernists who come out of the Church. As for saying  "leave the VISIBLE Church", is to make a mistake assimilating the official Church to the visible Church. We belong well to the visible Church, to the society of the faithful under the authority of the Pope, since we do not reject the authority of the Pope, but what he does. We recognize the Pope well to his authority, but when he uses it to do the opposite of what he has been given to do, it is clear that he cannot be followed.

Leave, therefore, the official Church? To a certain extent, yes, obviously.  The entire book of Mr. Madiran "The Heresy of the Twentieth Century" is the story of the heresy of the bishops. It is therefore necessary to get out of this environment of the bishops, if you do not want to lose your soul. But that is not enough, since it is in Rome where the heresy is installed.  If the bishops are heretics (even without taking this term in the sense and with the canonical consequences), it is not without the influence of Rome. If we walk away from these people, it is absolutely the same way as with people who have AIDS. You have no desire to get it. Now they have spiritual AIDS, contagious diseases. If you want to stay healthy, you need not go with them.

Yes! Liberalism and modernism entered the Council and within the Church. They are revolutionary ideas; and the Revolution, which was in civil society, passed to the Church.  Cardinal Ratzinger, on the other hand, does not hide it: they adopted ideas, not from the Church, but from the world and consider it a duty to make them enter the Church.  Now, the authorities did not change their ideas about the Council, liberalism and modernism at once. They are anti-tradition, as it should be understood and as the Church understands it. That does not enter into his conception. Theirs is an evolutionary concept. They are, therefore, against this fixed Tradition, in which we stand. We consider that everything the catechism teaches us comes from Our Lord and the Apostles, and that there is nothing to change.

For them, no, all  that evolves and evolved with Vatican II.  The current term for evolution is Vatican II. This is the reason why we cannot link with Rome. Whatever happens, we must continue as we have done, and the Good Lord shows us that, by following this path, we are fulfilling our duty. We do not deny the Roman Church. We do not deny their existence,  but we cannot follow their directives. We cannot follow the principles of the Council. We cannot bind. I realized this willingness of Rome to impose its ideas and its way of seeing on us. Cardinal Ratzinger always told me: "But Monsignor, there is only one Church, it is not necessary to make a parallel Church." 

What is this Church for him? The conciliar Church, it is clear. When he explicitly told us:  “Obviously, if they are granted this protocol, some privileges, they must also accept what we do; and, therefore, in the Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet church it will be necessary to say a new mass also every Sunday ”…  You see that he wanted to bring us to the conciliar Church. It is not possible, since it is clear that they want to impose these novelties on us to end the Tradition. They do not grant anything out of appreciation for the traditional liturgy, but simply to deceive those to whom they give it and to lessen our resistance; insert a wedge in the traditional block to destroy it. It is their politics, their conscious tactic. They are not mistaken, and you know the pressures they exert ...

Now we know better those pressures to which these two holy defending bishops were subjected, at the time, of the Faith and Catholic doctrine. Now we know with certainty the pressure to which the religious communities that make up the Ecclesia Dei dicastery were subjected with the famous “Motu proprio” “Tradicionis cusodes” of the current pontiff. "Tradicionis custodes"? What tradition are they custodians of? Certainly not the traditional one because these congregations such as "The Good Shepherd", the San Pedro Fraternity, among others, have been firmly subjected to the bishop of the place, they are no longer of pontifical right now they are diocesan. From this iron siege, the Neo Fraternity of Saint Pius X escaped because it has its own “Opus Dei” type prelates at this time.


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