
viernes, 30 de abril de 2021





In our apocalyptic times where the Catholic religion suffers great attacks from enemies, even those within it, both in its foundation and origin, its most sacred dogmas are attacked without mercy and with great contempt.

It is up to us as militant Catholics to defend it and to once again highlight the divine character of dogmas with a passion that is only controlled by charity and prudence that comes from on high.

The issue that concerns us on this occasion is the cunning attack that Our Lady has suffered by the highest prelate who should meditate before opening his mouth and saying nefarious things that threaten the Blessed Virgin Mary already so reviled by Protestants and some priests and bishops of the current Catholic world. It is, then, THE CORREDENTION OF OUR LADY a well-deserved right for various reasons for which we will suffice only with her DIVINE MARRIAGE, but we are going to rivet this privilege of co-redemption from the view of a great saint such as Saint Thomas Aquinas with the hope to elaborate more in the future.


This question requires for its complement a brief appendix on the part that corresponds to the Virgin Mary in this work of human salvation, since it is common to surname Mary co-redemptrix and universal mediator of all graces.  The co-redemptrix seems to refer to the work of Jesus Christ in her life and above all to her redemptive passion for mediation, to the distribution of her grace to souls in the course of history until the end of the centuries. To see how this suits Mary, it is necessary to lay down some essential principles for the correct solution of a truth that is so engraved in the Heart of the faithful and that Marian theology takes very seriously to study and define.

Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, is the only one in whom God placed the health of the world. He offered divine justice a most complete satisfaction for sins; He merited us  with  rigorous justice the forgiveness of sins, the grace of God, the gift of divine sonship and eternal glory ; He is the head of the mystical body, which is the Church, and no one can obtain the least grace from God except through his mediation. Such is Christian doctrine, the fundamental teaching of the faith.   He was born of a virgin mother , whom He himself chose as he pleased, and, out of consideration for his own merits, he preserved her from original sin, enriched her most fully with all kinds of grace, and incorporated her into the work that he came to accomplish on earth.

But this Son of God, come to be the Son of man, and because he had to fulfill this work with his life, his passion and his death, so Mother, incorporated life, passion and death, he lived his in intimacy with her Son and for the same purposes as Him, the health of the world. This last point belongs to the current teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, while the preceding ones are as many dogmas of faith.  For, being the Virgin holy and exempt from all sin, she offered her works, her prayers, her pains, for the intentions of her Son, that is, for the health of the world, and this offering was most gratifying in the presence of God, deserving she for her part  of worthy  and not in rigorous justice        as in the case of his Son, according to the theologians, because that was the will of the Eternal Father.

To better understand this intimacy of life, it is convenient to recall an evangelical episode and point out its deep meaning. Jesus Christ, from the first moment of his natural human being, knew his destiny fully and even in its minute details; consequently, his life, his passion and his death. Since then he embraced all this and thus he lived always carrying the cross before his eyes, He being in the virginal womb of his most holy Mother had full awareness of everything that happened outside of his Mother's womb. Well, so that the Mother might resemble the Son and live united to Him on the cross, the old Simeon, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, announced to Mary the sad destiny of her Son and the part that she would have in that destiny: It stands for the fall and rising of many in Israel and, for a target of contradiction and a sword will pierce your heart - so that the thoughts of many may be discovered (Le. 2, 34S).  These words, dictated by the Holy Spirit, were received by those who enjoyed abundant light to understand them in their deepest sense, this intelligence being a continuous cause of pain, until the full meaning of that prophecy was realized on Calvary.  With this, the Mother, like Abraham, offered, on the altar of her heart, the sacrifice of her Son, associating herself intimately with the oblation of Jesus. Such an offering of Mary was in the eyes of the heavenly Father extremely pleasant, and for her it also deserved from his part what the Son, with a greater right, deserved from his.

In this way, the Mother was incorporated into the redemptive work of the Son, cooperating with her to the extent that her condition as a pure creature allowed her, but also with the efficacy that her dignity as Mother of God and the richness of her grace and holiness gave her.  This is the reason for her title as co-redemptrix and mediator.

To close this beautiful topic, it is convenient to quote a great theologian, Dom Reginaldo Garrigou-Lagrage: “Well, it is appropriate that the absolutely perfect savior exercise a sovereign redemption with respect to his soul, that call, that is, of the Blessed Virgin, who it is most closely united with him in his work of salvation.


Thus, it is highly appropriate that Christ Jesus, the perfect Redeemer, exercise redemption in all its fullness with his Mother: redemption not only restorative and liberating, but PRESERVING. It is fitting that Mary should not be liberated, but rather be totally PRESERVED from this original sin by the future merits of her Son.


Christ's love for his Immaculate Mother is immense. Before this thought our soul must expand and take like a new flight. Only the Mother of the Son of God could have this unique prerogative, and how it was convenient for her to have it! By being called to become, consequently, logical, Mother of God and, therefore, CORREDENTORA. Mother of all men, she had to be rescued from sin as perfectly as possible ... (extract from her book EL SALVADOR)





En nuestros tiempos apocalípticos donde la religión católica padece grandes ataques de los enemigos, aun de los que están dentro de ella, tanto en su fundación y origen, son atacados sus dogmas más sagrados sin piedad y con un gran desprecio.
Nos compete como católicos militantes defenderla y volver a resaltar el carácter divino de los dogmas con la pasión que solo sea controlada por la caridad y la prudencia que procede de lo alto.
El asunto que nos ocupa en esta ocasión es el ataque artero que Nuestra Señora ha sufrido por altísimo prelado quien debería meditar antes de abrir la boca y decir cosas nefastas que atentan contra la Santísima Virgen María ya de por si tan denostada por los protestantes y algunos sacerdotes y obispos del mundo católico actual. Trátese pues DE LA CORREDENCION DE NUASTRA SEÑORA derecho bien merecido por varias razones para lo cual bástenos tan solo con su MATRNIDAD DIVINA, pero vamos a remachar este privilegio de la corredención desde la vista de un gran santo como lo es Santo Tomas de Aquino con la esperanza de explayarnos más en un futuro.

Esta cuestión exige para su complemento un breve apéndice sobre la parte que a la Virgen María corresponde en esta obra de la salvación humana, ya que es común apellidar a María corredentora y universal mediadora de todas las gracias. Lo de corredentora parece referirse a la obra de Jesucristo en su vida y sobre todo a su pasión redentora la mediación, a la distribución de su gracia a las almas en el curso de la historia hasta el fin de los siglos. Para ver cómo esto conviene a María, es preciso sentar algunos principios indispensables para la recta solución de una verdad que se halla tan grabada en el Corazón de los fieles y que la teología mariana toma muy a pecho estudiar y definir.
Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios e Hijo del hombre, es el único en quien puso Dios la salud del mundo. El ofreció a la justicia divina una satisfacción plenísima por los pecados; Él nos mereció de rigurosa justicia el perdón de los pecados, la gracia de Dios, el don de la filiación divina y la gloria eterna; Él es la cabeza del cuerpo místico, que es la Iglesia, y nadie puede alcanzar de Dios la menor gracia que no sea por su mediación. Tal es la doctrina cristiana, la enseñanza fundamental de la fe. nació de madre virgen, que El mismo escogió tal como le plugo, y, en consideración a sus propios merecimientos, la preservó del pecado original, la enriqueció plenísimamente de todo género de gracia y se la incorporó a la obra que El venía a cumplir en la tierra. 
Pero este Hijo de Dios, para venir a ser Hijo del hombre, Y como Él había de cumplir esa obra con su vida, su pasión y su muerte, así la Madre, incorporada a esta vida, pasión y muerte, viviese la suya en intimidad con su Hijo y por los mismos fines que El, la salud del mundo. Este último punto pertenece a la enseñanza actual del magisterio de la Iglesia, mientras que los precedentes son otros tantos dogmas de fe. Pues, siendo la Virgen santa y exenta de todo pecado, ofreció sus obras, sus plegarias, sus dolores, por las intenciones de su Hijo, o sea, por la salud del mundo, y esta ofrenda fue gratísima en la presencia de Dios, mereciendo ella por su parte de condigno  y no en justicia rigurosa como en el caso de su Hijo al decir de los teólogos pues esa era la voluntad del Padre Eterno.
Para entender mejor esta intimidad de vida, conviene recordar un episodio evangélico y señalar su hondo sentido. Jesucristo, desde el primer instante de su ser natural humano, conoció plenamente y hasta en sus ínfimos detalles su destino; por consiguiente, su vida, su pasión y su muerte. Desde entonces se abrazó con todo esto y así vivió llevando siempre la cruz ante sus ojos, Él estando en el vientre virginal de su santísima Madre tuvo conciencia plena de todo lo que pasaba fuera del vientre de su Madre. Pues, para que la Madre se asemejase al Hijo y viviera unida a Él en la cruz, el anciano Simeón, ilustrado por el Espíritu Santo, anunció a María el triste destino de su Hijo y la parte que ella tendría en ese destino: Puesto está para caída y levantamiento de muchos en Israel y, para blanco de contradicción y una espada atravesará tu corazón -para que se descubran los pensamientos de muchos (Le. 2,34S). Estas palabras, dictadas por el Espíritu Santo fueron recibidas por quien gozaba de abundantísima luz para entenderlas en su más hondo sentido, siendo esta inteligencia causa continua de dolor, hasta ver realizado en el Calvario el sentido pleno, de aquella profecía. Con esto la Madre como Abrahán, ofreció, en el altar de su corazón, el sacrificio de su Hijo, asociándose íntimamente a la oblación de Jesús. Tal ofrenda de María fue en los ojos del Padre celestial sumamente grata, y por ella mereció también de su parte lo que el Hijo,        con mayor derecho merecía de la suya.
De esta suerte quedó la Madre incorporada a la obra redentora del Hijo cooperando a ella en la medida que su condición de pura criatura le permitía pero también con la eficacia que le daba su dignidad de Madre de Dios y la riqueza de su gracia y santidad, Tal es la razón de su título de corredentora y mediadora.

Ya para cerrar este tema tan hermoso conviene citar a un gran teólogo dom Reginaldo Garrigou-Lagrage: “Pues bien conviene que el salvador, absolutamente perfecto, ejerza una redención soberana respecto a su alma, aquella llamada, o sea de la Virgen Santísima, que le está más íntimamente unida en su obra de salvación.

Así pues, conviene en grado sumo que Cristo Jesús, perfecto redentor, ejerza con su Madre la redención en toda plenitud: redención no solo reparadora y liberadora, sino PRESERVADORA. Conviene que María no sea liberada, sino que sea totalmente PRESERVADA de este pecado original por los méritos futuros de su Hijo.

El amor de Cristo por su Madre Inmaculada es inmenso. Ante este pensamiento nuestra alma debe dilatarse y tomar como un nuevo vuelo ¡Solo la Madre del Hijo de Dios podía tener esta prerrogativa única, y como convenía que la tuviese! Al ser llamada a convertirse, en consecuencia, lógica, en Madre de Dios y, por consiguiente, en CORREDENTORA. Madre de todos los hombres, debía ser rescatada del pecado lo más perfectamente posible…(extracto sacado de su libro EL SALVADOR)


martes, 27 de abril de 2021




133) Louis the Just, in happy memory, besieging La Rochela, where the revolutionary heretics had their forts, wrote to the Queen, his mother, for public prayers to be made for the prosperity of his army. The Queen decided to organize public Rosaries in the Church of the Preaching Brothers in the San Honorato neighborhood of Paris, which the Archbishop carried out with the greatest care. This devotion was started on May 20, 1628.

The Queen Mother and Queen Regent attended, as well as the Duke of Orleans, the most eminent Cardinals de la Rochefoucault and de Berulle, many prelates, the entire court and an innumerable multitude of people. The Archbishop read aloud the meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary and then began the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary of each ten, which the religious and assistants answered. After the Rosary, the image of the Blessed Virgin was carried in procession, singing her litanies.

This devotion was continued every Saturday with admirable fervor and evident blessing from heaven, as the King triumphed over the English on the island of Re and entered La Rochela victoriously on All Saints' Day of the same year; which shows the power of public prayer.

134) Finally, the Rosary recited in community is much more terrible for the devil, since an army corps is constituted by such means to attack him. It triumphs, sometimes with ease, of the particular prayer, but if it is united to that of the others, then with great difficulty it will be able to achieve its purpose. It is easy to break a wand, but if you join it to another and make a bundle, you cannot break it. "Vis unita fit fortior." Soldiers unite in the army corps to fight their enemies, the bad guys often unite for their excesses and their dances, the demons themselves unite to lose us; ¿Why, then, should Christians not unite to be in the company of Jesus Christ, to appease the wrath of God, to obtain his grace and mercy, ¿and to overcome and more powerfully strike down demons?

Beloved confreres of the Rosary, whether you live in the city or in the country, near the parish church or a chapel, go to it at least every afternoon and, with the permission of the rector of said parish and in the company of all those who wish, pray the Rosary to two choirs; do the same in your home or in that of a private individual in town, if you do not have the comfort

of the church or chapel.

135) It is a holy practice that God, by his mercy, established in the places where he resigned, to preserve and increase the fruit and prevent sin. In those towns and villages, before establishing the Rosary, only dances, excesses, dissolution, immodesty, oaths, quarrels and divisions were seen; only dishonest songs and double meaning words were heard. At present we only hear the songs and the chanting of the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary, only holy companies of twenty, thirty, one hundred and more people are seen who sing the praises of God as religious at a given hour.

There are also places where the Rosary is prayed daily in community at three times of the day. What a blessing from heaven! As there are reprobates everywhere, do not doubt that there are

the places where you live some bad people who will despise coming to your Rosary, who will perhaps ridicule you and even do everything they can, with their bad words and examples, to prevent you from continuing this holy exercise; but resist. As such wretches must be forever separated from God and from his paradise in hell, it is necessary that here on earth they separate from Jesus Christ and his servants and handmaids.

47th Rose

136) Separate yourselves from the wicked, people of God, predestined souls, and to escape and save yourselves from the midst of those who condemn themselves for their impiety, indevocation and idleness, decide, without loss of time, to pray the Holy Rosary frequently, with faith, with humility, with confidence and with perseverance.

Whoever seriously thinks about the command of Jesus Christ that we always pray, in his example, in the immense needs that we have for prayer because of our darkness, ignorance and weakness and because of the multitude of our enemies, will certainly not be satisfied with pray the Rosary once a year, as ordered by the Confraternity of the Perpetual Rosary, not every week, as that of the ordinary Rosary prescribes, but will pray it every day, without missing one, as the Confraternity of the Daily Rosary indicates, although not has another obligation than to save himself.

Oportet, it is necessary, semper orare, pray always, et non deficere (7), not stop praying.

137) These are the eternal words of Jesus Christ, who is forced to believe and practice, under penalty of condemnation. Explain them as you wish, as long as you do not explain them in fashion, so as not to practice them in fashion. Jesus Christ gave us his true explanation in the examples that he has left us: "Exemplum dedi vobis, ut quemadmodum ego feci, ita et vos faciatis" (8). "Erat

pernoctans in oratione Dei "(9). (I have given you an example that just as I did, you also do it) As if the day was not enough for him, he used the night in prayer.

He frequently repeated these two words to his Apostles: "Vigilate et orate" (10). Watch and pray.

The flesh is weak, the temptation proximate and continuous. If you don't always pray, you will fall. Since they believed that what Our Lord was telling them was only for advice, they interpreted these words in fashion and for that reason they fell into temptation and sin, even when they were in the company of Jesus Christ.

138) If you want to live, beloved brother, in fashion and condemn yourself to fashion; That is to say, if you compromise with falling into mortal sin from time to time, thinking of going to confession later, if you avoid gross and scandalous sins and preserve the appearances of good manhood, so many prayers are not necessary, nor that you pray so many Rosaries; a little prayer in the morning and

In the afternoon, a few Rosaries that are imposed on you in penance and a few dozen Hail Marys when you feel like it are enough to appear before the world as a Christian. If you did less, you would approach debauchery; if you did more, you would approach the exception, the prudishness.

139) But if, as a true Christian who really wants to save himself and walk on the path of the saints, you want not to fall into mortal sin in any way, break all bonds and extinguish all the flaming darts of the devil, it is necessary that you pray always as Jesus Christ taught.

Therefore, it is necessary, at least, that you pray the Rosary or other equivalent prayers daily.

And I repeat "at least" because that will be the fruit that you will get by praying the Rosary every day: avoiding all mortal sins and overcoming all temptations, in the midst of the torrents of iniquity in the world, which frequently drag the most secure; in the midst of thick darkness, which frequently blinds the most enlightened, in the midst of evil spirits, who, more skillful than ever and with less time to tempt, do so with greater skill and success.

¡Oh, what a wonder of the grace of the Holy Rosary! To be able to escape from the world, the devil and the flesh and save yourself to heaven!

140) If you don't want to believe what I tell you, believe in your own experience. I ask you if when you only prayed a little, as it is done in the world and in the way it is ordinarily done, you could avoid serious faults and great sins that, because of your blindness, seemed small to you. Open, then, your eyes, and to live and die holy, sinless, to the

less deadly, always pray, pray the Rosary every day, as the confreres did once when the Confraternity was established. The Blessed Virgin, when giving it to Santo Domingo, ordered him to pray it and have him pray every day; and the Saint did not receive in the Brotherhood

none as he was not determined to pray it daily. If, now, in the Brotherhood of the ordinary Rosary, more than one Rosary per week is not required, it is because fervor has died down and charity has cooled. From this it follows that it can be said of those who say little: "Non fuit ab initio sic" (11). This was not the case at the beginning.

It is also necessary to note three things.

141) The first, that, if you wish to enroll in the Brotherhood of the Rosary every day and participate in the prayers and merits of those who are in it, it is not enough to be enrolled in the Brotherhood of the ordinary Rosary or to only take the resolution to pray the Rosary. every day; It is also necessary to give your name to those who have the power to register you; and it is convenient to confess and receive communion on the occasion of being received by confreres for this intention. The reason for the aforementioned warning is that the ordinary Rosary does not involve the everyday, but the everyday Rosary implies the ordinary.

The second thing to keep in mind is that there is absolutely no sin, not even venial, in failing to pray the Rosary daily, weekly, or yearly.

And the third, that when illness, legitimate obedience, necessity or involuntary forgetfulness cause you not to be able to pray the Rosary, you do not stop having its merit and you do not lose the participation in the Rosaries of the other confreres; and therefore it is not necessary at all that the next day you pray two Rosaries to make up for the one you have missed, without your fault as I suppose. If, however, your illness allows you to pray a part of the Rosary, you must pray it. "Beati qui stant coram te semper." "Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine, in saecula saeculorum laudabunt te" (12): Blessed, oh Jesus, our Lord, the brothers of the daily Rosary, who are around you every day and in your little house in Nazareth around your cross on Calvary and around your throne in heaven, to meditate and contemplate your joyful, painful and glorious mysteries. ¿now happy they are on earth for the special graces you convey to them and how happy they will be in heaven, ¡where you will be praised in a special way forever and ever!

142) Furthermore, it is necessary to pray the Rosary with faith, according to the words of Jesus Christ: "Credite quia accipietis et fiet vobis" (13): Believe that you will receive from God what you ask him, and he will listen to you. He will tell you: "Sicut credidisti, fiat tibi" (14). Be done as you have believed. "Si quis indiget sapientiam, postulet a Deo; postulet autem in fide nihil haesitans" (15): If anyone needs wisdom, let him ask God with faith, without hesitation, praying the Rosary, and it will be given to him.

143) It is also necessary to pray with humility, like the publican who was with both knees on the ground, and not with one knee in the air or on a bench, like the worldly; was

at the back of the church, and not in the sanctuary, like the Pharisee; His eyes were lowered to the ground, not daring to look at the sky, and not with his head raised, looking here and there, like the Pharisee; and beat his chest confessing a sinner and asking forgiveness: "Propitius esto mihi peccatori" (16), and not like the Pharisee, who boasted of his good works, despising others

in your prayers. Beware of the proud prayer of the Pharisee that made him more hardened and cursed; imitate, instead, the humility of the publican in his prayer, which obtained the remission

of their sins.

Be careful not to tend towards the extraordinary and not to ask for and desire extraordinary knowledge, visions, revelations and other miraculous graces that have sometimes been communicated to certain saints in the recitation of the Rosary. "Sola fides sufficit" (17), faith alone is sufficient today, since the Gospel and all devotions and practices of piety are sufficiently established.

Never omit the slightest part of the Rosary in your discouragement, dryness and interior decay; that would be a sign of pride and infidelity; but, as brave champions of Jesus and Mary, without seeing, feeling, or liking anything, pray the Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary in the midst of all your dryness, thinking the best you can of the mysteries.

Do not want the children's chocolates and sweets to eat your daily bread, and to imitate Jesus Christ more perfectly in his agony, prolong your Rosary when you have more work to pray it: "Factus in agonia prolixius orabat" (18); so that what Jesus said when he was in the throes of prayer may apply to you: he prayed longer.

144) Finally, pray with great confidence, founded on the infinite goodness and liberality of God and on the promises of Jesus Christ. God is a spring of living water that flows into the hearts of those who pray. Jesus Christ is the breast of the Eternal Father, filled with the milk of grace and truth; the greatest desire of the Eternal Father in relation to us is to communicate to us the healthy waters of his grace and mercy; and exclaims: "Omnes sitientes venite ad aquas" (19): Come and drink my waters through prayer; and when he is not asked, he laments that he is abandoned: "Me dereliquerunt fontem aquae vivae" (20). (They left Me who am the source of living water) Great pleasure is given to Jesus Christ by asking for his graces; and still greater satisfaction that gives natural mothers to give their children the nectar of their breasts. Prayer is the channel of God's grace and as the maternal breast of Jesus Christ. If it is not resorted to as all the children of God should, Jesus Christ lovingly complains: "Usque modo non petistis quidquam, petite et accipietis, quaerite et invenietis, pulste et aperietur vobis" (21): Until now you have asked me nothing: ask me and I will give you, seek and you will find, knock on my door, I will open it for you. And to encourage us more to pray to him with confidence, he pledges his word that the Eternal Father will grant us whatever we ask in his name: in the name of Jesus.quaerite et invenietis, pulste et aperietur vobis "(21): Until now you have asked nothing of me: ask me and I will give you, seek and you will find, knock on my door, I will open it for you. his word that the Eternal Father will grant us whatever we ask in his name: in the name of Jesus.quaerite et invenietis, pulste et aperietur vobis "(21): Until now you have asked nothing of me: ask me and I will give you, seek and you will find, knock on my door, I will open it for you. his word that the Eternal Father will grant us whatever we ask in his name: in the name of Jesus.






133) Luis el Justo, de feliz memoria, sitiando La Rochela, donde tenían los herejes revolucionarios sus fuertes, escribía a la Reina, su madre, para que se hiciesen oraciones públicas por la prosperidad de su ejército. La Reina resolvió organizar Rosarios públicos en la iglesia de los Hermanos Predicadores del barrio de San Honorato de París, lo que cumplió con el mayor esmero el señor Arzobispo. Se empezó esta devoción el 20 de mayo de 1628.

Asistieron la Reina Madre y la Reina Regente, así como el Duque de Orleans, los eminentísimos señores Cardenales de la Rochefoucault y de Berulle, muchos prelados, toda la corte y una multitud innumerable de pueblo. El señor Arzobispo leía en alta voz las meditaciones sobre los misterios del Rosario y empezaba a continuación el padrenuestro y el avemaría de cada decena, que los religiosos y asistentes contestaban. Después del Rosario, llevaban en procesión la imagen de la Santísima Virgen, cantando sus letanías.

Continuóse esta devoción todos los sábados con admirable fervor y bendición evidente del cielo, pues el Rey triunfó sobre los ingleses en la isla de Re y entró victoriosamente en La Rochela el día de Todos los Santos del mismo año; lo que demuestra la fuerza de la oración pública.

134) En fin, el Rosario rezado en comunidad es mucho más terrible para el demonio, pues se constituye por tal medio un cuerpo de ejército para atacarle. Triunfa, algunas veces con facilidad, de la oración particular, pero si ésta se une a la de los demás, entonces con gran dificultad podrá conseguir su propósito. Es fácil romper una varita, pero si la unís a otra y hacéis un haz, no podréis romperla. "Vis unita fit fortior." Los soldados se unen en cuerpo de ejército para combatir a sus enemigos, los malos se unen con frecuencia para sus excesos y sus bailes, los mismos demonios se unen para perdernos; ¿por qué, pues, los cristianos no han de unirse para estar en compañía de Jesucristo, para apaciguar la ira de Dios, para alcanzar su gracia y su misericordia y para vencer y abatir más poderosamente a los demonios?

Amados cofrades del Rosario, sea que viváis en la ciudad o en el campo, cerca de la iglesia parroquial o de una capilla, id a ella al menos todas las tardes y, con permiso del señor rector de dicha parroquia y en compañía de cuantos lo deseen, rezad el Rosario a dos coros; haced lo mismo en vuestra casa o en la de un particular cualquiera del pueblo, si no tenéis la comodidad

de la iglesia o capilla.

135) Es una santa práctica que Dios, por su misericordia, estableció en los lugares en que dimisiones, para conservar y aumentar el fruto e impedir el pecado. En esas villas y aldeas, antes de establecer el Rosario, sólo bailes, excesos, disolución, inmodestias, juramentos, querellas y divisiones se veían; únicamente se escuchaban canciones deshonestas y palabras de doble sentido. Al presente no se oyen más que los cánticos y la salmodia del padrenuestro y el avemaría, sólo se ven santas compañías de veinte, treinta, cien y más personas que cantan como religiosos alabanzas a Dios en una hora determinada.

Hay también lugares en que diariamente se reza el Rosario en comunidad en tres tiempos del día. ¡Qué bendición del cielo! Como por todas partes hay réprobos, no dudéis de que hay en

los lugares donde vivís algunos malos que desdeñarán de venir a vuestro Rosario, que os ridiculizarán quizás y aun harán cuanto puedan, con sus malas palabras y ejemplos, para impediros continuar este santo ejercicio; pero resistid. Como tales desgraciados han de estar para siempre separados de Dios y de su paraíso en el infierno, es preciso que aquí anticipadamente, en la tierra, se separen de Jesucristo y de sus servidores y siervas.

47a Rosa

136) Separaos de los malos, pueblo de Dios, almas predestinadas, y para escapar y salvaros de en medio de los que se condenan por su impiedad, indevoción y ociosidad, decidíos, sin pérdida de tiempo, a rezar con frecuencia el Santo Rosario, con fe, con humildad, con confianza y con perseverancia.

Quien piense seriamente en el mandato de Jesucristo de que oremos siempre, en su ejemplo, en las inmensas necesidades que tenemos de la oración a causa de nuestras tinieblas, ignorancias y debilidades y de la multitud de nuestros enemigos, no se contentará, ciertamente, con rezar el Rosario una vez al año, según ordena la Cofradía del Rosario perpetuo, ni todas las semanas, como la del Rosario ordinario prescribe, sino que lo rezará todos los días, sin faltar uno, como la Cofradía del Rosario cotidiano señala, aunque no tenga otra obligación que la de salvarse.

Oportet, es necesario, semper orare, orar siempre, et non deficere (7), no cesar de orar.

137) Son estas palabras eternas de Jesucristo, que es forzoso creer y practicar, bajo pena de condenación. Explicadlas como queráis, con tal que no las expliquéis a la moda, a fin de no practicarlas a la moda. Jesucristo nos dio su verdadera explicación en los ejemplos que nos ha dejado: "Exemplum dedi vobis, ut quemadmodum ego feci, ita et vos faciatis" (8). "Erat

pernoctans in oratione Dei" (9). (ejemplo os he dado que asi como Yo hice, sai también vosotros lo hagáis) Como si el día no le bastase, empleaba la noche en la oración.

Con frecuencia repetía a sus Apóstoles estas dos palabras: "Vigilate et orate" (10). Velad y orad.

La carne es débil, la tentación próxima y continua. Si no oráis siempre, caeréis. Como quiera que creyeron que lo que Nuestro Señor les decía era sólo de consejo, interpretaron estas palabras a la moda y por eso cayeron en la tentación y en el pecado, aun estando en compañía de Jesucristo.

138) Si quieres vivir, amado cofrade, a la moda y condenarte a la moda; es decir, si transiges con caer de vez en cuando en pecado mortal, pensando confesarte después, si evitas los pecados groseros y escandalosos y conservas las apariencias de la hombría de bien, no son necesarias tantas oraciones, ni que reces tantos Rosarios; una pequeña oración por la mañana y

por la tarde, unos cuantos Rosarios que te sean impuestos en penitencia y algunas decenas de avemarías cuando te vinieren en gana, son bastante para aparecer ante el mundo como cristiano. Si hicieras menos, te acercarías al libertinaje; si hicieras más, te aproximarías a la excepción, a la gazmoñería.

139) Pero si, como verdadero cristiano que desea de veras salvarse y caminar por el sendero de los santos, quieres no caer de ningún modo en pecado mortal, romper todas las ligaduras y apagar todos los dardos encendidos del diablo, es necesario que reces siempre como enseñó Jesucristo.

Por tanto, es necesario, al menos, que reces diariamente el Rosario u otras oraciones equivalentes.

Y repito "al menos" porque ése será el fruto que conseguirás rezando el Rosario todos los días: evitar todos los pecados mortales y vencer todas las tentaciones, en medio de los torrentes de iniquidad del mundo, que arrastran con frecuencia a los más seguros; en medio de las espesas tinieblas, que ciegan con frecuencia a los más iluminados, en medio de los espíritus malignos, que, más diestros que nunca y con menos tiempo para tentar, lo hacen con mayor habilidad y éxito.

¡Oh, qué maravilla de la gracia del Santo Rosario! ¡Poder escapar del mundo, del demonio y de la carne y salvarte para el cielo!

140) Si no queréis creer lo que os digo creed en vuestra propia experiencia. Yo os pregunto si cuando sólo hacíais un poco de oración, como se hace en el mundo y del modo que ordinariamente se hace, podíais evitar faltas graves y grandes pecados que por vuestra ceguera os parecían pequeños. Abrid, pues, los ojos, y para vivir y morir santamente, sin pecados, al

menos mortales, orad siempre, rezad todos los días el Rosario, como lo hacían en otro tiempo los cofrades al establecerse la Cofradía. La Santísima Virgen, al dárselo a Santo Domingo, le ordenó que lo rezase e hiciera rezar todos los días; y el Santo no recibía en la Cofradía a

ninguno como no estuviera resuelto a rezarlo diariamente. Si, ahora, no se exige, en la Cofradía del Rosario ordinario, más que un Rosario por semana, es porque el fervor se ha apagado y se ha enfriado la caridad. De aquí se deduce que puede decirse de quien reza poco: "Non fuit ab initio sic" (11). Asi no fue en el inicio.

Es preciso también advertir tres cosas.

141) La primera, que, si deseáis inscribiros en la Cofradía del Rosario cotidiano y participar de las oraciones y méritos de los que están en ella, no basta con ser inscrito en la Cofradía del Rosario ordinario o tomar solamente la resolución de rezar el Rosario todos los días; es preciso además dar vuestro nombre a los que tienen potestad para inscribiros; y es conveniente confesar y comulgar en la ocasión de ser recibidos cofrades por esta intención. La razón de la mencionada advertencia consiste en que el Rosario ordinario no envuelve el cotidiano, pero el Rosario cotidiano implica el ordinario.

Lo segundo que debe tenerse en cuenta es: que no hay, absolutamente hablando, ningún pecado, ni aun venial, en faltar de rezar el Rosario diario, ni el semanal, ni el anual.

Y lo tercero, que cuando la enfermedad, obediencia legítima, necesidad u olvido involuntario son causa de que no podáis rezar el Rosario, no dejáis por eso de tener su mérito y no perdéis la participación en los Rosarios de los otros cofrades; y por tanto no es necesario en absoluto que al día siguiente recéis dos Rosarios para suplir al que habéis faltado, sin culpa vuestra según yo supongo. Si, no obstante, la enfermedad os permitiera rezar una parte del Rosario, debéis rezarla. "Beati qui stant coram te semper." "Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine, in saecula saeculorum laudabunt te" (12): Bienaventurados, oh Jesús, Señor nuestro, los cofrades del Rosario cotidiano, que todos los días están alrededor vuestro y en vuestra casita de Nazaret alrededor de vuestra cruz sobre el Calvario y alrededor de vuestro trono en los cielos, para meditar y contemplar vuestros misterios gozosos, dolorosos y gloriosos. ¡Oh, qué felices son en la tierra por las gracias especiales que les comunicáis y qué dichosos serán en el cielo, donde os alabarán de modo especial por los siglos de los siglos!

142) Además es preciso rezar el Rosario con fe, según las palabras de Jesucristo: "Credite quia accipietis et fiet vobis" (13): Creed que recibiréis de Dios lo que le pidáis, y os escuchará. Os dirá: "Sicut credidisti, fiat tibi" (14). Hágase como has creído. "Si quis indiget sapientiam, postulet a Deo; postulet autem in fide nihil haesitans" (15): Si alguno necesita sabiduría, que la pida a Dios con fe, sin dudar, rezando el Rosario, y se le dará.

143) Es también necesario rezar con humildad, como el publicano que estaba con las dos rodillas en tierra, y no con una rodilla en el aire o sobre un banco, como los mundanos; estaba

al fondo de la iglesia, y no en el santuario, como el fariseo; tenía los ojos bajos hacia el suelo, sin atreverse a mirar al cielo, y no con la cabeza levantada, mirando acá y allá, como el fariseo; y golpeaba su pecho confesándose pecador y pidiendo perdón: "Propitius esto mihi peccatori" (16), y no como el fariseo, que se vanagloriaba de sus buenas obras, despreciando a los demás

en sus oraciones. Guardaos de la orgullosa oración del fariseo que le volvía más endurecido y maldito; imitad, en cambio, la humildad del publicano en su oración, que le obtuvo la remisión

de sus pecados.

Tened cuidado en no tender a lo extraordinario y de no pedir y desear conocimientos extraordinarios, visiones, revelaciones y otras gracias milagrosas que algunas veces se han comunicado a ciertos santos en el rezo del Rosario. "Sola fides sufficit" (17), la fe sola es suficiente en la actualidad, puesto que el Evangelio y todas las devociones y prácticas de piedad son suficientemente establecidas.

No omitáis jamás la más mínima parte del Rosario en vuestros desalientos, sequedades y decaimientos interiores; eso sería señal de orgullo e infidelidad; sino, como bravos campeones de Jesús y María, sin ver, sentir, ni gustar nada, rezad en medio de toda vuestra sequedad el padrenuestro y el avemaría, pensando lo mejor que podáis en los misterios.

No deseéis los bombones y golosinas de los niños para comer vuestro pan cotidiano, y para imitar con más perfección a Jesucristo en su agonía, prolongad vuestro Rosario cuando tengáis más trabajo para rezarlo: "Factus in agonia prolixius orabat" (18); para que pueda aplicarse a vosotros lo dicho de Jesucristo cuando estaba en la agonía de la oración: oraba más largamente.

144) En fin, orad con mucha confianza, fundada en la bondad y liberalidad infinita de Dios y en las promesas de Jesucristo. Dios es un manantial de agua viva que afluye al corazón de los que oran. Jesucristo es el pecho del Padre Eterno, lleno de la leche de la gracia y de la verdad; el mayor deseo del Padre Eterno con relación a nosotros es comunicarnos las aguas saludables de su gracia y misericordia; y exclama: "Omnes sitientes venite ad aquas" (19): Venid a beber de mis aguas por la oración; y cuando no se le pide, se lamenta de que se le abandona: "Me dereliquerunt fontem aquae vivae" (20). (Me dejaron a Mí que soy fuente de agua viva) Se proporciona un gran placer a Jesucristo pidiéndole sus gracias; y mayor satisfacción todavía que procura a las madres naturales dar a sus hijos el néctar de sus pechos. La oración es el canal de la gracia de Dios y a modo de pecho maternal de Jesucristo. Si no se acude a ella como deben hacerlo todos los hijos de Dios, Jesucristo se queja amorosamente: "Usque modo non petistis quidquam, petite et accipietis, quaerite et invenietis, pulsate et aperietur vobis" (21): Hasta ahora nada me habéis pedido: pedidme y os daré, buscad y encontraréis, llamad a mi puerta, que yo os la abriré. Y para animarnos más a rogarle con confianza, empeña su palabra de que el Eterno Padre nos concederá cuanto le pidamos en su nombre: en el nombre de Jesús.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2021

10 TEMIBLES y PODEROSAS Armas Rusas Modernas por las cuales la O .T. A. N. y E.U temen atacar RUSIA

Will Washington's allies have to die for Kiev?


The existence in Ukraine of two cultures - one supposedly European and the other Russian - is a singularity that provides Washington with a field of maneuver against Moscow. The drums of war have been beating for weeks. But none of Washington's allies want to die for Kiev or blow themselves up against Russia.

The United States Armed Forces

1- Les Anglos see the Russians as a hereditary enemy. They are considered despicable people and destined, since the time of Otto I –in the 10th century–, to be slaves, as indicated by the term used to denominate them (in English, the word slave designates both slaves and peoples belonging to the Slavic ethnic group). In the 20th century, the Anglo-Saxons were against the USSR, supposedly because it was communist; now they are against Russia ... without knowing why.

2- Second adversary for the Anglo-Saxons: the enemies that they themselves created by unleashing an «endless war » against them , since September 11, 2001. They are the populations of the expanded Middle East (or Greater Middle East ), a region where the Anglo-Saxons have been destroying since then the states of their different countries, regardless of whether they are allies or adversaries, to make them " return to the stone age " and thus be able to exploit the wealth of that region, following the Rumsfeld / Cebrowski strategy [ 1 ].

3- Third adversary: ​​China, whose economic development can relegate them to second place. The Anglo-Saxons believe that they have no choice but to war. At least that is what his political scientists think, who even speak of the " Thucydides trap ", referring to the war that, for similar reasons, was fought between Sparta and Athens [ 2 ].

4- The disputes with Iran and North Korea come only much later in relation to the 3 that we have just listed. 

The  Interim Guidance on National Security  by Joe Biden [ 3 ] and the  Annual Threat Assessment  [ 4 ] prepared by his Intelligence Community thus constantly clinch it from different points of view. 

Fighting three wars at once would be extremely difficult, so the Pentagon is currently looking at how to prioritize priorities and will issue its report on the matter in June. The deepest secret surrounds the work of the commission in charge of this evaluation. Who composes it is not even known. Despite this, the administration is already targeting Russia. 

Regardless of whether we are independent or submissive to the United States, we have to stop looking the other way. The United States of America has no other goal than to destroy Russian culture, destroy state structures in Arab countries, and ultimately destroy the Chinese economy. Absolutely none of this is related to the legitimate defense of the American people. .

There is no other way to explain why the United States spends such astronomical sums on its armies that many times exceed the military budgets of those whom Washington presents as " friends " or " enemies." According to the  Institute for Strategic Studies  in London, the military budget of the United States is at least equal to the sum of the budgets of the 15 most armed countries in the world [ 5 ].


Comparison of the military budgets of the 15 countries with the most funds dedicated to this sector (in billions of US dollars).

Source: Institute for Strategic Studies

 The issues of confrontation with Russia

The United States is uneasy about Russia's recovery. After having registered a brutal fall in life expectancy –which fell by at least 5 years between 1988 and 1994– Russia recovered and greatly exceeded –in more than 12 years– the life expectancy registered in the times of the Union. Soviet, although the healthy life expectancy of Russians is still one of the lowest in Europe. The Russian economy is diversifying, mainly in the agricultural sector, but Russia remains dependent on its energy exports. The armed forces of the Russian Federation have been renewed, its military-industrial complex is more efficient than that of the Pentagon, and Russia has acquired significant military experience in Syria.

Washington sees the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline   as a threat because it would free Western Europe from its current dependence on American oil. 

At the same time, the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation and a possible reincorporation of the Donbass are in part a blow to Ukraine's dependence on the American Empire - Crimea and the Donbass are not Western in culture.

Last factor, the Russian military presence in Syria slows down the US project of political destruction against the peoples of the region. 

If you want to kill your dog,

say you have anger "

There is no doubt that it was President Joe Biden who opened hostilities branding to the Russian president " murderer." Before Biden, the two superpowers had never exchanged insults, not even in the days of the Gulag indictments. His interlocutor responded politely and proposed a public debate, which Joe Biden rejected.

America sees the world only in the short term. That country does not perceive itself as responsible for its legacy. For Washington, the "perfidious" Russians have amassed more than 100,000 men near Ukraine and are preparing to invade it, as did the Soviets in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Only, at that time, it was not about Russia but about the USSR, and in Moscow it was not the Putin doctrine but the Brezhnev doctrine and Brezhnev himself was not Russian ... he was Ukrainian.

Unlike the Americans, the Russians do have a long-term worldview. For them, the American barbarians have been endangering the balance of powers since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Immediately afterwards, on December 13, 2001, President George Bush Jr. announced that the United States was withdrawing. of the Treaty on Anti-Ballistic Missiles (the ABM Treaty). Later, the United States incorporated into NATO - one by one - practically all the former members of the defunct Warsaw Pact and the former Soviet Union, thus violating the commitment that Washington had made before the dissolution of the USSR. This policy was confirmed in 2008, in the  Bucharest Declaration  [ 6 ]. .

Everyone knows the peculiarity of Ukraine, with a western culture in its western part and a Russian culture in the east. Ukraine remained politically frozen for 15 years, until Washington organized a pseudo revolution there and put its puppets in power - puppets who are neo-Nazis [ 7 ]. Moscow reacted quickly enough and the Crimean population proclaimed its independence and decided [by referendum] to reincorporate that territory into the Russian Federation. But Moscow was hesitant about what to do about the Donbass and has since limited itself to handing out Russian passports to the inhabitants of that region, who see their only hope in Russia.

Biden administration

Since he was a senator, President Joe Biden today unveiled the Senate introducing legislation intended by the Pentagon. Already as president, Biden has surrounded himself with neocons. We will never tire of remembering this: Neocons are Trotskyist militants recruited by Republican President Ronald Reagan, and since then they have always sided with power, barring the parenthesis of Jacksonian President Donald Trump. The fact is that the neocons have constantly switched sides, siding with the Republican Party as well as on the side of the Democratic Party, but always on the side of power.

During the " color revolution " in Maidan Square - in 2013-2014 - Joe Biden , who was then vice president of the Obama administration, passionately defended the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, agents  of the NATO stay-behind networks  [ 8 ]. Biden then led operations in Kiev with a State Department associate, Victoria Nuland (Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, is one of the founders of the Project for a New American Century, the body in charge of raising funds for Republican George Bush Jr.). .

Now, in 2021, President Biden has decided to appoint Victoria Nuland as assistant secretary of state. During the Obama administration, Victoria Nuland had the collaboration of the then US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, now ambassador to Greece. As for the current Secretary of State of Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, it should be noted that he is judge and party since he is of Ukrainian origin on the mother's side. Although Blinken was educated in Paris by his mother's second husband - the lawyer Samuel Pisar, who was an adviser to President Kennedy - the current Secretary of State is of neo-conservative thinking.

The preparation of confrontation against Russia

In mid-March 2021, the United States organized the Defender-Europe 21 maneuvers with its NATO partners, which will continue until June. It is about resuming the Defender-Europe 20 mega - exercise, whose size and duration were finally limited due to the Covid-19 epidemic.  Defender-Europe 21 is a gigantic deployment of troops and war material in the realization of a simulated confrontation against Russia. All this takes place at the same time as an exercise with strategic bombers in Greece, in the presence of the aforementioned US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt.

On March 25, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski published the new  Ukrainian Security Strategy  [ 9 ], precisely 3 weeks after President Biden published the US one. .

In response to NATO, Russia was then undertaking its own military exercises on its western border, including its border with Ukraine, and was also sending additional troops to Crimea and even Transnistria.

On April 1, the US Defense Secretary telephoned his Ukrainian counterpart about a possible increase in tension with Russia [ 10 ]. Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski then made a statement in which he said he was monitoring the Russian exercises and claimed that these could be provocations [ 11 ]. .

On April 2, the United Kingdom organized a meeting of its Defense and Foreign Ministries with those of Ukraine, under the leadership of British Minister Ben Wallace [ 12 ], who was particularly active in the Upper Karabakh conflict. [ 13 ]).

On April 2, President Biden called the Ukrainian president to guarantee his support against Russia. According to the  Atlantic Council , Biden announced to the Ukrainian president his decision to hand over a hundred fighter jets ( F-15  and  F-16 ) and an E-2C radio - electronic surveillance plane  , currently stationed at Davis Air Base. -Monthan [ 14 ].

On April 4, the chairman of the US House of Representatives Commission for the Armed Forces - Adam Smith of the Democratic Party - negotiated with Ukrainian parliamentarians large subsidies for the Ukrainian army in exchange for the Ukrainian position against the gas pipeline.  Nord Stream 2  [ 15 ].


Ukrainian President Zelenski and the director of the armament factories Ukroboronprom discreetly made a lightning Qatar on April 5, 2021 trip.

 On April 5, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski paid a whirlwind visit to Qatar. Officially it was to develop commercial relations with Qatar, the main supplier of weapons to the jihadists. According to our information, on that trip there was talk of a possible financing of combatants. Among the companions of the Ukrainian president was Yuriy Gusev, the director general of the military industry Ukroboronprom. It was this character who sent anti-aircraft missiles to the terrorists of the Islamic Emirate (Daesh), by order of Qatar [ 16 ].

On April 6, Lithuania, which in the past protected western Ukraine within its own empire, was informed about the military situation during a contact between its Defense Minister and his Ukrainian counterpart [ 17 ].


Ukrainian President Zelenski meets with the chairman of the NATO Military Committee on April 7, 2021.

 On April 6 and 7, British General Stuart Peach, president of the NATO Military Committee, traveled to Ukraine to specify the reforms necessary for that country to become a member of the Atlantic alliance [ 18 ]. .

On April 9, in compliance with the Montreux Convention, the Pentagon informed Turkey of its intention to transit warships through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits.

  Having already discussed weapons and money with Emir Tamin in Qatar, Ukrainian President Zelenski traveled to Turkey on April 10, 2021, to talk with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about sending men.

On April 10, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received Ukrainian President Zelenski in Istanbul, allegedly in the framework of regular consultations between Turkey and Ukraine [ 19 ]. Already counting on the green light from Qatar, Turkey - a NATO member country - immediately began recruiting jihadists of various nationalities present in Syria to send them to fight in the Donbass (eastern Ukraine). Turkish military instructors quickly arrived at the port of the city of Mariupol, where the International Islamist Brigade [ 20 ], created by Turkish President Erdogan and his Ukrainian counterpart at that time, Petro Porochenko, already has its headquarters , with Tatars who follow orders from the United States, to be used against Russia. .

Acting with all logic, the Russian Federation sent troops to its border with Ukraine. The other members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) asked Moscow for explanations about their maneuvers and received evasive responses. The 1999 Vienna Document stipulates that OSCE member states must provide each other with the necessary indications on the movements of their troops and war materiel. But it is known that Russians do not function like Westerners - they inform their public opinion and their partners or interlocutors only when they have finished their deployments. .

Two days later, the G7 published a statement on the Russian movements ... but without mentioning the deployments of NATO and Turkey. The G7 also praised Ukraine's containment and demanded that Russia " put an end to its provocations " [ 21 ].

On April 13, on the occasion of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the NATO member countries with the Ukraine / NATO Commission, the United States resorted to “heavy artillery” inviting all the members of the Atlantic alliance - where no one wants to die just because the Ukrainians can't get a divorce - to give their support to Kiev and to denounce the " escalation " of Russia [ 22 ]. Biden's Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, had a long meeting with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dimitro Kuleba [ 23 ]. Washington was heading inexorably toward war.

Suddenly, President Joe Biden defused the atmosphere by telephoning Russian President Vladimir Putin. He proposed a summit meeting to him - although he had previously rejected Putin's proposal for a public debate with disdain, a proposal that Putin issued after the public insult uttered by Biden [ 24 ]. After that initiative, it seemed possible to avoid war.

However, on April 14, Secretary of State Blinken summoned the main allies of the United States - Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom - to mobilize them [ 25 ].

On April 15, President Joe Biden laid out his vision of the conflict, expelled 10 Russian diplomats and adopted sanctions against Russia, accusing it not only of having offered bonuses for killing American soldiers in Afghanistan but also of having attacked the computer systems of the US government using SolarWinds software [ 26 ]. .

Predictably, Russia expelled a similar number of American diplomats. But he also set a trap for a Ukrainian diplomat, whom he arrested in flagrant crime of espionage, in possession of Russian documents classified as military secret..

Always following the same line, Ukrainian President Zelenski met with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The latter deplored the " Russian escalation " ... but were evasive as to what will happen in the near future. Ultimately, if the United States and Russia are going to talk… it is too early to go to die for Kiev.

Thierry Meyssan



 [ ] " The US military project to the world ", by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network , 22 August 2017.

2 ]  Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap? , Graham Allison, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.

3 ]  Interim National Security Guidance , White House, March 3, 2021. " President Joe Biden's national security strategy ", by Thierry Meyssan,  Voltaire Network , April 6, 2021.

4 ]  Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community , Director of National Intelligence, April 9, 2021.

5 ]  The Military Balance 2021 , Institute for Strategic Studies, Routledge, 2021.

6 ] " Déclaration du Sommet de l'Otan à Bucharest ",  NATO , April 3, 2008.

7 ] « Who are the Nazis in the Ukrainian government? », By Thierry Meyssan,  Network Voltaire , 3 March 2014.

8 ]  Les Armées Secrètes de l'OTAN , Danièle Ganser, Ed. Demi-Lune (2003). Available in Spanish, by episodes, on the  Voltaire Network  from " The secret armies of NATO (I) When Judge Felice Casson revealed the existence of Gladio ... ".

9 ] Presidential Decree 121/2021.

10 ] " Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With Ukrainian Minister of Defense Andrii Taran, "  US Department of Defense , April 2, 2021.

11 ] " Zelensky on Russian troops near border: Ukraine is ready for any provocations ",  Ukrinform , April 2, 2021.

12 ] " UK defense secretary initiates talks with Taran due to escalation in eastern Ukraine ",  Ukrinform , April 2, 2021.

13 ] " Victory for London and Ankara in Upper Karabakh, defeat for Soros and the Armenians ", by Thierry Meyssan,  Voltaire Network , 24 November 2020.

14 ] " US Should Provide Lend-Lease Type of Aid Package for Ukraine to Help it Upgrade its Air Force - Atlantic Council ",  Defense Express , April 7, 2021.

15 ] " Arakhamiya, Congressman Smith discuss expanding military support for Ukraine ", Ukrinform , March 5, 2021.

16 ] " Qatar and Ukraine antiaircraft missiles just deliver Pechora-2D to the Islamic Emirate " by Andrei Fomin,  Oriental Review  (Russia), Voltaire Network , November 23, 2015.

17 ] " Ukrainian, Latvian defense ministers discuss security situation on Ukraine's borders ",  Ukrinform , April 7, 2021.

18 ] " Visite du président du Comité militaire de l'OTAN en Ukraine ", NATO, April 6, 2021.

19 ] " Turkey recruit jihadists to send to Ukraine », Voltaire Network , 16 April 2021.

20 ] " Ukraine and Turkey have created an international Islamic brigade against Russia ", by Thierry Meyssan, Syrian national television, (Voltaire Network, 15 August 2015.

21 ] " Déclaration du G7 sur l'Ukraine ",  Réseau Voltaire , April 12, 2021.

22 ] " The NATO-Ukraine Commission se penche sur l'état de la sécurité in Ukraine ",  Réseau Voltaire , April 13, 2021.

23 ] " Rencontre d'Antony Blinken et Dmytro Kouleba ", United States (Department of State),  Réseau Voltaire , April 13, 2021.

24 ] " Telephone conversation between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin ", United States (White House),  Réseau Voltaire , April 13, 2021.

25 ] " Réunion des principaux alliés sur l'Ukraine », United States (Department of State), Réseau Voltaire , April 14, 2021.

26 ] " Remarks on Russia ", by Joseph R. Biden Jr.,  Voltaire Network , April 15, 2021.