Note_ Dear readers I repeat it again and I will not tire of doing it while I was alive, Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, He manifested in one way or another his position regarding the tradition of the Church and his resounding rejection of all the "reforms" that emanated from the council, among them this fierce ecumenism that ended the missions in pagan soils. He does so again in this sermon, a position that he knew how to transmit to all of us who had the grace to be with him in the most critical moments of this unequaled struggle of David (the Church of always) against Golead (the new or modernist Church). ), we never saw him back down or waver in his faith like so many bishops in the world at that time. He was able to say as Saint Paul said at the time: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the Faith" that is why I die excommunicated by the modernists or the new Church.
friends and brothers:
all know that we are currently facing a situation of the Church that is
increasingly disturbing. The problem is not of today but since the Council,
particularly since the application of the conciliar reforms. (Someone asked me that, if there
was something salvageable from the Second Vatican Council, my answer was that
quote from the Gospel: "Can a bad tree bear good fruit? Draw the
conclusion yourself) We feel a kind of escalation of ecumenism made by
the Pope (at that time
John Paul II) and the bishops.
This is not a mystery - it is seen and known all over the world - because television and all the social communication media show this ecumenism practiced by the same authorities as the (modernist) Church. This ecumenism represents for each one, I am sure of it, a serious problem of conscience.
We have decided to remain Catholic and we do not intend to change. Catholicism for us means keeping the Faith, the sacraments, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the catechism, everything that the Church has taught and bequeathed as a precious inheritance for 19 centuries to generations and generations of Catholics.
ourselves have received this precious inheritance in our childhood, in our
adolescence, in our youth and middle age, and we have attached ourselves to it
as the pupil of our eyes.
faith and all the means that have been bequeathed to us to maintain and keep
grace in us, are necessary to save our souls, to go to heaven.
It is not for other reasons that we want to remain Catholic: it is to save our souls. I said on Holy Thursday in the sermon of the Chrism Mass, that we have the impression of distancing ourselves more and more from those who practice this senseless ecumenism and contrary to the Catholic faith. But, I should say better, that we must remain Catholic and persevere in it to the end of our days. It is they who we see that they are distancing themselves from us all because we want to remain faithful.
for nothing have our godparents pronounced the Creed on the day of our baptism,
when we were confirmed, we ourselves pronounce that Creed that unites us
definitively to the Catholic Faith.
have read that in the newspapers and those who have television have been able
to see and hear for themselves. What do we think of all this? What should be
the reaction of our Catholic Faith? That's what matters. It is not about our
personal feeling or some kind of impression of any realization. It is about
knowing what the Catholic Church thinks about it according to what we have been
taught, what is the reaction of our faith to these facts? (The meeting of the “religions”
took place punctually in Assisi, as Bishop had said months before. From this
first meeting, others followed under the pontificate of John Paul II, then
under the Pontificate of Benedict XVI. He is a witness who this writes and the
impotence that seized us by not being able to make the rest of the faithful
understand the imminent danger that this would bring to their souls).
is why I am going to quote some very short sentences that I have collected from
the Naz Canon Law Treatise. Canon Law edited under the order of Pope St. Pius X
and published by Benedict XV, is the expression of the Law of the Church and
that has been his for 19 centuries. What do these texts say about what is
called the “Comunicatio in Sacris”, that is, participation in a non-Catholic
rite or where non-Catholics?
seems to me that this is what concerns us when we see the Pope and the bishops
participate in non-Catholic cults. What does the Church of the Comunicatio in
Sacris say? This is forbidden to participate with non-Catholics in accordance
And, here is how this official comment on the doctrine of the Church explains
that I did nothing but copy: “Participation is active and formal when a Catholic
participates in a heterodox cult, that is, not Catholic, with the intention to
honor God by this means, according to the way of the Catholics. " I repeat: "Participation is active and formal
when a Catholic participates in a non-Catholic worship with the intention of
honoring God by this means in the manner of Catholics." It is exactly what
we are faced with.
really think that the bishops and the Pope have the intention of honoring God
through the non-Catholic worship in which they participate, it seems to me that
I am not mistaken in that.
am not the one who wrote it. This with all its letters in the treatise of Canon
Law of the canonical Naz that is an authority and that has always been
considered in the Church as a completely official and valid comment.
Those who participate actively and formally with non-Catholics are presumed to adhere to the ceremonies of the latter. Therefore Canon 23,16 declares them "Suspects of heresy" and if they persevere they are "considered as heretics". I do nothing but quote the text.
this legislation of the Church? To help us practice the first commandment
through which we profess our Catholic Faith.
If we profess it, it is inconceivable for us to profess another faith and participate in another cult. Praying in another cult we make a profession of honoring the god that is invoked by that cult, that of a false religion. A god who is a construction of the spirit or who is any idol, but who is not the true God.
do you want the Jews to pray to the true God? They are formally, essentially
against Our Lord Jesus Christ, precisely from the day of the resurrection of
Our Lord and since before since they have crucified Him, but in an official way
after the resurrection they have started to immediately persecute to persecute
the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ and this for centuries. What have the
chief priests done? Instead of saying we repent, we have made a mistake, we
adore Our Lord Jesus Christ if he truly resurrected, how can we not follow him?
have they told the soldiers guarding the tomb? "Here is a great sum of
money, go and say throughout Jerusalem that while you were sleeping the
apostles came to take the Body of Our Lord." Saint Augustine answered them
- I think smiling -: How could they have affirmed that they had seen the
Apostles take the body of Our Lord since they were sleeping? They have not been
able to see, it is the devil who inspired them and they remained under its
What to do in this unfortunate situation of the Church? From morning to afternoon and from day to night pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to the aid of her Church since it is a considerable scandal - in the true sense of the term, scandal means to push sin - this scandal of the ecumenism and participation in the cult of false religions.
Faith disappears when the example and the scandal come from so high, from the one who is now over the seat of Peter and from almost all the bishops. Poor self-liberated Christians, who do not have enough Christian formation to maintain their Catholic Faith in spite of everything! Or that they do not have priests at their side to help them keep the Faith, they are helpless! They lose faith, no longer practice it, or become involved with any sect. So we must pray a lot, reflect, ask the Good God to keep the Catholic Faith for us, whatever happens.
do not depend on us. It is like a movie that unfolds before our eyes, since the
Council we have seen the situation deteriorate year after year. The synod has
even given, I would say a final note even more serious than the others, stating
the following: "We continue despite the consequences" the synod
wanted to see in the Council a work of the Holy Spirit, an extraordinary
is necessary to continue, they say, to continue in the spirit of the Council,
without restriction, without reprimand, without returning to tradition. We now
see that the stages are accelerating, that they are going faster. By force,
since there has been no objection after these twenty years of putting into
practice the evil spirit of the Council.
now on, all those who agree with the transformations of the Church have no
reason not to continue and to do so more quickly. It is coming to the
destruction of the Church.
The current Church, that is to say the Modernist Church, has incurred in heresy
today more than ever materially and formally for all acts against Catholics,
for their speeches and for their own writings that are totally contrary to the
tradition of the Church of always.
The very opposite position of the Monsignor with respect to the Popes from John
XXIII to the current one of "whose name I do not want to remember"
Francis in relation to the Jews.
The sharp condemnation of current ecumenism based on ancient Canon Law, not the
modern one, which, surely, has already been modified.
permanence in the Faith of always if necessary until giving our lives, of
course with the help of the Blessed Virgin.
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