
sábado, 12 de junio de 2021



Note. The paragraphs enclosed in brackets are the author of this writing, on the one hand, they are explanatory and, on the other, they make known the seriousness of the "agreements" that are made with the enemy and, as always, they end badly in this matter and make direct reference to the Neo Fraternity. We can also include in the same range the San Pedro Fraternity, the congregation of Sn Juan María Vianey de Campos Brasil, among others. Where the uselessness of these actions and the great evil that they bring to Christianity is proven. To renounce to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ is to receive that lapidary sentence: "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not pile with me scatters" the supreme rule of discernment to take into account.These rules of discernment are sealed by those memorable words of the Prince of the Apostles when the Pharisee priests forbade them to preach in the name of Jesus, Saint Peter said: “It is necessary to obey God before, to men, these warnings serve so that you understand the position of Saint Sofronio the brave Bishop who, in his time, faced Pope Honorius I.



  Why this title? Was it chosen at random or is it somewhat providential, for these moments? Not long ago the "Catholic" world was celebrating because, finally, modernist Rome and not the true Catholic Rome, "canonized" two true promoters of the mother of all heresies, Modernism. But it was not a cause of joy but of deep sadness and impotence for the true Church or, if you will, the visible Church so attacked and diminished that in our eyes it seems that it seems to disappear from the face of the earth, but never for whom the promises they are fulfilled to the letter because God is the absolute truth, the omnipotence and the divine justice par excellence, justice that will undoubtedly sooner or later manifest itself with all its power and greatness. I have no doubt of that.

Our Lord in the past raised up true defenders of Catholicism whenever the virginal wife of Our Savior, the Church founded by Him, was in very serious danger to defend her from her physical and moral aggressors. However, what happened on April 27 of this year, many will be able to say that it is unparalleled within the Church as always. Fortunately, this is not the case. Divine Providence always has an ace up its sleeve and shows it at the right moment, not before or after, because for Her there is no time, as defined by Santo Tomas; "The time is according to a before and after" (who this limits is the author or at least the spokesperson of the various articles that, on the passion of the Lord, he sent for your meditation this past Easter).As I said above speaking about the "canonizations" of these two portents of current liberalism and modernism within the occupied Church, it has a precedent in Pope Honorius of sad memory who in the year of the Lord 650 supported the Monophysite heresy, dragging along with him a considerable part of Christendom of those times. How did that happen? Here is the story dear reader.  

1) Great merits and qualities of Pope Honorius

We are going to refer to the serious conflict that occurred in the times of Pope Honorius, being of capital importance, especially in this month of April 2014, that all clergy and laity have knowledge of the extraordinary means that Our Lord Jesus Christ has used to save to his Church from its worst crises, even when everything seemed already humanly lost. This example will strengthen our readers in these unfortunate times where the modernist heresy, "mother and sewer of all heresies", as Saint Pius X said at the time, and will show them what they have been, in crises as serious as the current We have been suffering since 1960, the means of salvation indicated by God. 

Pope Honorius was elected by the clergy and the people of the city of Rome, since, as is known in the election of the Pope, there have been different systems in the Church throughout its history, all of which have been legitimate. His Holiness Pope Honorius I was as skilled politician as Paul VI and was also a magnificent administrator of the affairs of the Church, he displayed great zeal in the conversion of the inhabitants of the British Isles by continuing the work of Saint Augustine, he liquidated the schism caused by Patriarch Fortunato who followed in the footsteps of the one who emerged in the time of Pope Virgil, removing the aforementioned schismatic hierarch from his position, and as most Popes have done, he fought the conspiracies of the Israelites against the Church of Christ, addressing a letter to the Council of Toledo, very eloquent in this regard,and also being his epitaph that contained the following phrases: "Judaicae gentis sub te est perfidia victa Sic unum Domini redis ovile nium".

2) The unity of Christians, desired by Christ and by his Holy Church

  It was the noble end of the Christian union, which on this occasion began a crisis of the most serious proportions. The heresy of the “Monophysites”, who affirmed that Christ our Lord being one person, he also had only one nature (The common doctrine of the Church is to affirm with Saint Athanasius one person and two natures: the divine and the human in one person Jesus Christ), had already been condemned by the Holy Church and defeated in Christianity, leaving only some minority heretical nuclei, although of a certain force, led by the bishops clinging to heresy.

This unfortunate situation made everyone see the need to make a supreme effort in favor of the unity of Christians and of the Holy Church,  UNITY DESIRED BY CHRIST HIMSELF AND BY ALL OF US WHO ARE FAITHFUL TO HIS DOCTINE, SAID UNITY WAS IN THOSE TRAGIC MOMENTS OF GREATER URGENCY IN VIEW THAT CHRISTIANITY WAS IN DANGER BEFORE THE INVASION TO THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE  by the Persians, dualists and pagans, who were conquering one after another the eastern African provinces committing the most horrible atrocities against the Christians and destroying churches and monasteries. 

   3) But the unity of Christians should not be attempted by adulterating or denying divine revelation in order to yield to the whims of the heretics of that time.

Faced with the overwhelming advance of the Persians, Christian unity WAS A VITAL MATTER.  But unfortunately, when this objective is not pursued in the true ways, instead of obtaining the desired unity desired, it has caused a greater discord and disunity even greater than that which existed when the noble attempt began. And that was what unfortunately happened in the case at hand for bringing certain heretical nuclei to unity, a schism and a new hernia were caused, which tore apart the Holy Church in the course of the 6th century, and which caused MUCH MORE DISUNION THAT THE ONE WANTED TO DELETE.

Faced with the imminent advances of the Persians, Emperor Heraclius, who had just taken the throne, was demoralized by a situation that was aggravated by the fact that the Monophysite heretics in Egypt had facilitated the triumphs of the Persian invaders. Then the Patriarch Sergius of Constantinople emerged, as the man who worked tirelessly to inject courage into the demoralized emperor and push him to effective action, to defend the very Christian empire, leading him one day to a Church, according to tradition, where, speaking to him of God, he demanded the oath to die for the defense of Christendom and the empire; thereby bringing about a change in Heraclius, who immediately began a series of victorious campaigns to regain the holy places and to regain from the Persians the vast regions they had captured,But at the same time, moved by the combative Patriarch, by the reckless zeal to obtain Christian Unity, he conceived the idea that this could only be achieved through dialogue ( through the exchange of views, negotiations and terms that are equivalent to the current dialogue of the Neo-Fraternity using this term that best suits our times ), with the heretics and concessions they made to them, through a transaction formula called by him conciliation formula, which seemed to be justified, given the new danger of the Muslim invasion that was brewing in the south .  (We must note that first it was Vatican II who started these interreligious dialogues with current heretics and schismatics, I recommend the book: "The Rhine flows into the Tiber")

THAT OF BELIEVING THAT THE TRUTH REVEALED CAN BE THE OBJECT OF DIALOGUE, TO CARRY OUT TRANSACTIONS WITH IT, as with any political matter, far from achieving the much desired unity, has always brought, by God's punishment, new heresies and all kinds of evils, since the truth revealed by God cannot be modified by men or be subject to compromises. God has always punished these gestures of weakness or opportunism of some great ecclesiastical hierarchs, allowing greater conflicts to occur in the Holy Church than those that with these dialogues and transactions wanted to liquidate, perhaps to make us all see that Divine Revelation did not it can be the object of human compromises nor can it be negotiated as something human, biased ignoring its divine origin,"There is no union between truth and error" or between "Light and darkness"

The patriarch Sergio, who demonstrated with actions his great zeal to defend Christianity, thought that he could achieve the adherence of the Monophysite heretics to the Catholic Church, through dialogue and mutual concessions made by various parties and the adoption of the compromise formula. : which consisted in accepting in Jesus Christ a person with two natures; the human and the divine, but a single energy or will (and here is the error) that is, it admitted only the divine will to the detrimentof the human will when in reality as Man-God. Against this error the Lateran Council declares: "The two wills are coherently united, that is, the human and the divine by virtue of their two natures" (Dz 263) or "If anyone, following the heretical criminals, confesses only one will of Christ our God and a single operation, destroying the confession of the Holy Fathers and rejecting the redemptive economy of the SAVIOR himself, let him be condemned (Dz 265). the unity substantially the two wills and the two operations, the divine and the human, and have thus been piously preached by our Holy Fathers,confesses against the doctrine of the Fathers ONE WILL AND ONE OPERATION BE CONDEMNED (Dz 266) The heresy consisted in denying in Christ God the two wills and the two operations, wrongly affirming a single will and a single operation. Heresy which was calledThe Monothelite and the Monophysite maintained that the existence of Christ in a single nature and not two and in this consisted the Monophysite heresy, they could join the Orthodox, but a more serious heresy was incurred, which in the background was the same Monophysitism with another appearance. And it turned out that the famous compromise formula, while successful in attracting the majority of Monophysites, was insufficient and unacceptable to others.

4) Patriarchs and Bishops adhere to the MONOTELITE heresy that advances without resistance among the episcopate.

  Most serious of all, was that the Emperor Heraclius, over whom the Patriarch of Constantinople had decisive influence, gladly accepted the so-called reconciliation formula and made it his own, put all the imperial force in its support, being drawn to the new heresy. The new heresy consisted of affirming what was said above in a single WILL IN Jesus Christ and a single operation, this was the DIVINE to the detriment of the human. Fulfilling the pressures of the emperor and the Patriarchate an increasing number of bishops, among them the Metropolitan of Laity, Athanasius of Antioch, Pharan of Arabia, and others.

The patriarch Sergio managed to get the emperor to appoint Cyrus of Fasis, to occupy the Patriarchate of Alexandria, when it was vacant, with which the supporters of the new heresy controlled the most important sees of the East, this new heresy taking gigantic proportions, without having achieved the long-awaited unity of Christians, but rather, increasing discord and division, in a more acute and dangerous way.

Unfortunately, as in the case of the Arian heresy, the bishops were the first to surrender and embrace the new heresy, dragging the clergy of their diocese into their betrayal, furthermore, as in other crises of the Church, the first thing the heretical hierarchs did. it was the promotion of heretical bishops to fill vacant sees and other key positions. Heretical clergymen who contributed to the spread of heresy; without the least resistance of the bishops, failing with this action, seriously in their duties towards God. (¡How enormously related, similar and topical this heresy has with the modernist heresy of our present time!) In the midst of this storm, Pope Honorius I, convinced of the need to achieve Christian unity, had suffered the impact of the arguments of the Patriarch of Constantinople and was in a hesitant attitude, without condemning the new heresy, which was supported Due to the great part of the hierarchy and the silence of the Pope, he was increasingly controlling Christendom. (Silence, complicity, betrayal and conviction we find in the Pontiffs regarding this monstrous modernist heresy to the Popes from John XXIII to the current Francis, let's not fool ourselves Benedict is so heretic and even more than Francisco, as the saying goes: “so bad the paint like the colorado)

In reality, what caused the Pope's hesitations were motives of high politics, but intimately related to the salvation of Christendom. The same motives that inspired Patriarch Sergius and Emperor Heraclius, that is, to achieve Christian unity at all costs to prevent an internal division from facilitating the advance of Muslims, which if carried out would cause a great disaster to Catholicism. It is not a question of justifying a Pope on whom a tremendous excommunication from a holy Ecumenical Council fell, ratified by a Holy Pope; but simply to honor the historical truth, which shows that the motives of that vicar of Christ on earth were well intentioned, even if they were unleashed in an equivocal action, which gave justified cause to a terrible post-mortem anathema. 



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