
sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023


Nós que o conhecemos e o ouvimos sentimos muito a sua falta porque, até agora, nenhum bispo assumiu a sua luta com a coragem que só Deus dá aos santos e, na minha opinião, ele era um santo. Para quem não o conheceu ou ouviu aqui trazemos-lhe um excerto daquilo que sempre defendeu até à sua morte num dia como este do ANÚNCIO DA ENCARNAÇÃO DO PALAVRA DIVINA.

trechos de textos

Da Declaração de 21 de novembro de 1974

Aderimos de todo o coração, com todas as nossas almas, à Roma Católica, guardiã da fé católica e das tradições necessárias para manter essa fé, à Roma Eterna, mestra da sabedoria e da verdade.

Pelo contrário, recusamos e sempre recusamos seguir a tendência neomodernista e neoprotestante de Roma que se manifestou claramente no Concílio Vaticano II e depois do Concílio em todas as reformas dele decorrentes.

Do Sermão do Domingo de Páscoa de 30 de março de 1986

Realmente nos encontramos diante de um dilema gravíssimo, que creio nunca ter sido levantado na Igreja: quem está sentado na Sé de Pedro participa de cultos de falsos deuses; Creio que isso nunca aconteceu em toda a história da Igreja. ¿Que conclusão deveríamos tirar daqui a alguns meses desses repetidos atos de comunhão com falsos cultos? Não sei. Eu me pergunto. Mas é possível que sejamos obrigados a acreditar que este Papa não é Papa. Não quero dizê-lo ainda de forma solene e formal, mas parece, sim, à primeira vista, que é impossível um Papa ser um herege público e formal.

Da Conferência de 15 de abril de 1986

¡Caros amigos, durante as férias pudestes reflectir sobre o sermão do Domingo de Páscoa!…

Então eu gostaria, já que há diferentes ecos, diferentes reações, gostaria de esclarecer um pouco, na medida do possível, porque a situação da Igreja é uma situação tão misteriosa, que não é tão fácil esclarecer as coisas.

Então surge o problema.

Problema inicial: la communication en sacris.

Segundo problema: a questão da heresia.

Terceiro problema: ¿o Papa ainda é Papa quando é herege?

Não sei, não troco! Mas você mesmo pode fazer a pergunta. Acho que todo homem sensato deveria se fazer essa pergunta. Não sei. Então, agora, é urgente falar sobre isso?…

É possível não falar, obviamente... Podemos conversar entre nós, em particular, em nossos escritórios, em nossas conversas particulares, entre seminaristas, entre padres...

É necessário falar aos fiéis? Muitos dizem: — Não, não fale com os fiéis. Eles vão ficar chocados. Isso vai ser terrível, isso vai longe...

Bom. Eu disse aos padres, em Paris, quando os reuni, e depois para vocês, já havia falado com vocês, disse: acho que, com muita delicadeza, é necessário, apesar de tudo, esclarecer um pouco para os fiéis ...

Não estou dizendo que é preciso fazer isso brutalmente e jogar isso como condimento aos fiéis para amedrontá-los... Não.

Mas acho que, apesar de tudo, é justamente uma questão de fé. É preciso que os fiéis não percam a fé. Somos encarregados de manter a fé dos fiéis, de protegê-la.

Eles vão perder a fé... até mesmo nossos tradicionalistas. Mesmo nossos tradicionalistas não terão mais fé em Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Já que esta fé está perdida! Perde-se nos padres, perde-se nos bispos.

Então, eis a situação em que nos encontramos e a ela é preciso voltar sempre: tenhamos fé, reavivemos a nossa fé, porque é pela fé que se perde que o Concílio foi o que foi.

Acho que é aí que mora o problema.

E se diz: ¿Monsenhor vai fazer um cisma... Mas quem faz um cisma? … Não sou eu! Para fazer um cisma é necessário deixar a Igreja. E deixar a Igreja é deixar a fé, em primeiro lugar.

Quem deixa a fé da Igreja? A autoridade está a serviço da fé. Se ela abandona a fé, é ela quem faz um cisma. Portanto, não somos nós que fazemos o cisma.

¿O que vai sair disso?

Levará um bom dia para Deus falar. Não é possível que Deus se deixe deixar de lado por aqueles que deveriam defendê-lo, por aqueles que deveriam ser seus apoiadores...

Não é possível que isso dure indefinidamente, isso não é possível!

Da Carta aos futuros Bispos, 29 de agosto de 1987

Com a cátedra de Pedro e os cargos de autoridade em Roma ocupados por anticristos, a destruição do Reino de Nosso Senhor continua rapidamente também dentro de seu Corpo Místico, especialmente devido à corrupção da Santa Missa, expressão esplêndida do triunfo de Nosso Senhor pela Cruz, e fonte de extensão do seu Reino nas almas e nas sociedades. Isso é o que a perseguição do anticristo em Roma nos rendeu. Esta Roma, modernista e liberal, continua a sua obra destruidora do Reino de Nosso Senhor, como prova Assis e a confirmação das teses liberais do Vaticano II sobre a liberdade religiosa. Sou obrigado pela divina Providência a transmitir a graça do episcopado católico que recebi, para que a Igreja e o sacerdócio católico continuem a existir para a glória de Deus e a salvação das almas.

Eu vos conferirei esta graça, confiando que sem demora a Sé de Pedro será ocupada por um sucessor perfeitamente católico de Pedro, nas mãos do qual poderás depositar a graça do vosso episcopado para confirmação.

Do retiro sacerdotal de setembro de 1987

E então, agora, vou abordar o que vocês provavelmente estão mais interessados. Eu digo: Roma perdeu a fé, queridos amigos. Roma está em apostasia. Não são palavras simples, não são palavras no ar que eu digo. É a verdade. Roma está em apostasia.

Você não pode confiar neste mundo; ele deixou a Igreja, eles deixaram a Igreja, eles deixaram a Igreja. É seguro; Claro, claro.

Não é possível entender um ao outro. Resumi brevemente ao Cardeal Ratzinger, em poucas palavras, não é fácil resumir toda esta situação; mas eu disse-lhe: «Eminência, olhe, mesmo que nos dê um bispo, mesmo que nos dê uma certa autonomia dos bispos, mesmo que nos dê a liturgia de 1962, se nos permitir continuar com os seminários e a Fraternidade, como fazemos agora, não podemos colaborar, é impossível, impossível, porque trabalhamos em duas direções diametralmente opostas: vocês trabalham na descristianização da sociedade, da pessoa humana e da Igreja; e estamos trabalhando na cristianização.» Não conseguimos nos entender."

Então eu disse a ele: “Para nós, Cristo é tudo; Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo é tudo, ele é a nossa vida. A Igreja é nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, sua Esposa Mística. O sacerdote é outro Cristo; sua Missa é o sacrifício de Jesus Cristo e o triunfo de Jesus Cristo na Cruz. Em nosso seminário ensinamos a amar a Cristo, e é direcionado ao Reino de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Nosso apostolado é o Reino de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Isso é o que somos.

E você, você faz o oposto. Você acabou de me dizer que a sociedade não deve ser cristã, não pode ser cristã; ¡Isso vai contra a natureza dele!

Você acabou de tentar me provar que Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo não pode e não deve reinar na sociedade. E você quer me provar que a consciência humana é livre em relação a Nosso Senhor

“É preciso sair da liberdade e de um espaço social autónomo”, como diz. Isso é descristianização. Bem, nós somos pela cristianização. Isto é. Não podemos

Do Retiro Sacerdotal, 9 de setembro de 1988

Sair, portanto, da igreja oficial? Até certo ponto, sim, claro.

O livro do Sr. Madiran, “A Heresia do Século XX” é a história da heresia dos bispos.

Se alguém não quer perder a alma, é preciso sair deste meio dos bispos.

Mas não chega, porque é em Roma que a heresia se instala.

Se os bispos são hereges (mesmo sem tomar este termo no sentido e com as consequências canônicas), não é sem a influência de Roma.

Se nos afastarmos dessas pessoas, é absolutamente como acontece com as pessoas que têm AIDS.

Não há desejo de pegá-lo.

Agora, eles têm AIDS espiritual, doenças contagiosas transmissíveis.

Se alguém quiser manter a saúde, é necessário não ir com eles.

Da entrevista concedida à Fideliter, novembro-dezembro de 1988

Não temos a mesma maneira de conceber a reconciliação. O cardeal Ratzinger vê isso no sentido de nos reduzir, de nos levar ao Vaticano II. Vemos isso como um retorno de Roma à Tradição. Não nos entendemos. É um diálogo de surdos. Não posso falar muito sobre o futuro, já que o meu já passou. Mas se eu ainda viver um pouco e supondo que a partir de agora Roma faça uma ligação, que queira nos ver novamente, para retomar o diálogo, naquele momento eu seria quem imporia as condições. Não vou mais aceitar ficar na situação em que nos encontramos durante os colóquios. Isso se acabou.

Eu levantaria a questão em nível doutrinário: “Você concorda com as grandes encíclicas de todos os papas que o precederam? Você concorda com a Quanta Cura de Pio IX, a Immortale Dei de Leão XIII, a Libertas de Leão XIII, a Pascendi de Pio X, a Quas Primas de Pio XI, a Humani Generis de Pio XII?

Você está em plena comunhão com esses papas e com suas afirmações? ¿Eles ainda aceitam o juramento antimodernista? Você é a favor do reinado social de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo?

Se eles não aceitam a doutrina de seus predecessores, é inútil falar. Enquanto eles não aceitaram reformar o Concílio considerando a doutrina desses papas que os precederam, não há posições que assim seriam mais claras.

Não é uma coisa pequena que se opõe a nós. Não basta dizer: podem rezar a missa antiga, mas é preciso aceitar. Não, não é só isso que nos opõe, é a doutrina. Claro.



Those of us who knew him and listened to him miss him very much because, until now, no bishop has taken up his fight with the courage that only God gives to the saints and, in my opinion, he was a saint. For those who did not know or heard him here we bring you an extract of what he always defended until his death on a day like this of the ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE INCARNATION OF THE DIVINE WORD.

excerpts from texts

From the Declaration of November 21, 1974

We adhere wholeheartedly, with all our souls, to Catholic Rome, guardian of the Catholic faith and of the traditions necessary to maintain that faith, to Eternal Rome, teacher of wisdom and truth.

On the contrary, we refuse and have always refused to follow the neo-modernist and neo-Protestant Rome trend that was clearly manifested in the Second Vatican Council and after the Council in all the reforms that came out of it.

From the Easter Sunday Sermon of March 30, 1986

We truly find ourselves facing a very serious dilemma, which I believe has never been raised in the Church: that whoever is seated in the Seat of Peter participates in cults of false gods; I believe that this has never happened in the entire history of the Church. What conclusion should we perhaps draw in a few months from these repeated acts of communion with false cults? Don't know. I wonder. But it is possible that we are obliged to believe that this Pope is not Pope. I don't want to say it yet in a solemn and formal way, but it seems, yes, at first glance, that it is impossible for a Pope to be a public and formal heretic.

From the Conference of April 15, 1986

Dear friends, you were able, during the holidays, to reflect on the Easter Sunday sermon!…

So I would like, since there are different echoes, different reactions, I would like to clarify a bit, to the extent possible, because the situation of the Church is such a mysterious situation, that it is not so easy to clarify things...

Then the problem arises.

First problem: the communicatio in sacris.

Second problem: the question of heresy.

Third problem: ¿is the Pope still Pope when he is a heretic?

¡I don’t know, I don’t ditch! But you can ask the question yourself. I think that every sensible man should ask himself the question. I don't know. ¿So, now, ¿is it urgent to talk about this?…

It is possible not to talk, obviously... We can talk among ourselves, privately, in our offices, in our private conversations, between seminarians, between priests...

Is it necessary to speak to the faithful? Many say: — No, do not speak to the faithful. They are going to be shocked. That's going to be terrible, that's going to go far...

Good. I told the priests, in Paris, when I gathered them together, and then to yourselves, I had already spoken to you, I said: I think that, very gently, it is necessary, despite everything, to clarify a little for the faithful...

I am not saying that it is necessary to do it brutally and throw that as a condiment to the faithful to scare them... No.

But I think that, despite everything, it is precisely a matter of faith. It is necessary that the faithful do not lose faith. We are in charge of keeping the faith of the faithful, of protecting it.

They are going to lose faith… even our traditionalists. Even our traditionalists will no longer have faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Since this faith is lost! It is lost in the priests, it is lost in the bishops.

So, here is the situation in which we find ourselves and it is necessary to always return to that: let us have faith, let us revive our faith, because it is due to the faith that is lost that the Council was what it was.

I think that's where the problem lies.

And it is said: ¿Monsignor is going to make a schism... But who makes a schism? … It's not me! To make a schism it is necessary to leave the Church. And leaving the Church is leaving the faith, in the first place.

Who leaves the faith of the Church? Authority is at the service of faith. If she abandons the faith, it is she who makes a schism. So it is not us who make schism.

What is going to come out of this?

It will take a good day for God to speak. It is not possible that God allows himself to be left aside by those who should defend him, by those who should be his supporters...

It is not possible for that to last indefinitely, that is not possible!

From the Letter to future Bishops, August 29, 1987

With the chair of Peter and the positions of authority in Rome occupied by antichrists, the destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord continues rapidly even within his Mystical Body, especially due to the corruption of the Holy Mass, a splendid expression of the triumph of Our Lord through the Cross, and source of extension of his Kingdom in souls and in societies. This is what the antichrist Rome persecution earned us. This Rome, modernist and liberal, continues its destructive work of the Kingdom of Our Lord, as proven by Assisi and the confirmation of the liberal theses of Vatican II on religious freedom. I am forced by divine Providence to transmit the grace of the Catholic episcopate that I received, so that the Church and the Catholic priesthood continue to exist for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

I will confer this grace on you, trusting that without delay the See of Peter will be occupied by a perfectly Catholic successor of Peter, in the hands of whom you will be able to deposit the grace of your episcopate for confirmation.

From the Priestly Retreat of September 1987

And then, now, I'm going to touch on what you guys are probably most interested in. I say: Rome has lost faith, dear friends. Rome is in apostasy. They are not simple words, they are not words in the air that I say. It's the truth. Rome is in apostasy.

You can't trust this world; he left the Church, they left the Church, they left the Church. He is safe; Sure sure.

It is not possible to understand each other. I have briefly summarized it to Cardinal Ratzinger, in a few words, it is not easy to summarize this whole situation; but I told him: «Your Eminence, see, even if you give us a bishop, even if you give us a certain autonomy from the bishops, even if you give us the liturgy of 1962, if you allow us to continue with the seminaries and the Fraternity , as we do now, we cannot collaborate, it is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions: you work in the de-Christianization of society, of the human person and of the Church; and we are working on Christianization.» We can't understand each other."

So I told him: “For us, Christ is everything; Our Lord Jesus Christ is everything, he is our life. The Church is our Lord Jesus Christ, his Mystical Spouse. The priest, he is another Christ; his Mass is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the triumph of Jesus Christ on the Cross. In our seminar we teach to love Christ, and he is directed to the Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our apostolate is the Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is what we are.

And you, you do the opposite. You have just told me that society should not be Christian, cannot be Christian; That goes against his nature!

You have just tried to prove to me that Our Lord Jesus Christ cannot and should not reign in society. And you want to prove to me that the human conscience is free with respect to Our Lord

“It is necessary to leave freedom and an autonomous social space”, as you say. This is de-Christianization. Well, we are for Christianization. This is. We can not

From the Priestly Retreat, September 9, 1988

Leave, therefore, the official church? To some extent, yes, of course.

Mr. Madiran's book, “The Heresy of the Twentieth Century” is the story of the heresy of the bishops.

If one does not want to lose his soul, it is necessary to get out of this milieu of the bishops.

But it is not enough, because it is in Rome that heresy is installed.

If the bishops are heretics (even without taking this term in the sense and with the canonical consequences), it is not without the influence of Rome.

If we get away from these people, it's absolutely like with people who have AIDS.

There is no desire to catch it.

Now, they have spiritual AIDS, communicable contagious diseases.

If one wants to maintain health, it is necessary not to go with them.

From the Interview granted to Fideliter, November-December 1988

We do not have the same way of conceiving reconciliation. Cardinal Ratzinger sees it in the sense of reducing us, of bringing us to Vatican II. We see it as a return of Rome to Tradition. We do not understand each other. It is a dialogue of the deaf. I can't talk much about the future, since mine is behind me. But if I still live a little and supposing that from now on a certain time Rome makes a call, that it wants to see us again, to resume the dialogue, at that moment I would be the one who would impose the conditions. I will no longer accept being in the situation we found ourselves in during the colloquia. This is over.

I would raise the question on a doctrinal level: “Do you agree with the great encyclicals of all the popes that preceded you? ¿Do you agree with Pius IX’s Quanta Cura, Leo XIII’s Immortale Dei, Leo XIII’s Libertas, Pius X’s Pascendi, Pius XI’s Quas Primas, ¿Pius XII’s Humani Generis?

¿Are you in full communion with these popes and with their affirmations? ¿Do they still accept the anti-modernist oath? ¿Are you in favor of the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ?

If they do not accept the doctrine of their predecessors, it is useless to speak. As long as they have not accepted to reform the Council considering the doctrine of these popes that preceded them, there are no positions that would thus be clearer.

It is not a small thing that opposes us. It is not enough to be told: they can pray the old mass, but it is necessary to accept this. No, it is not only that that opposes us, it is the doctrine. It is clear.




Quienes lo conocimos y lo escuchamos lo extrañamos mucho porque, hasta ahora, ningún obispo ha tomado su combate con la valentía que solo Dios da a los santos y, él a mi forma de ver era un santo. Para quienes no le conocieron ni oyeron aquí les traemos un extracto de lo que siempre defendió hasta su muerte dada un día como este de la ANUNCIACION DE LA ENCARNACION DEL VERBO DIVINO.

Extractos de textos

De la Declaración del 21 de noviembre de 1974

Nos adherimos de todo corazón, con toda nuestra alma, a la Roma católica guardiana de la fe católica y de las tradiciones necesarias al mantenimiento de esa fe, a la Roma eterna, maestra de sabiduría y de verdad.

Por el contrario, nos negamos y nos hemos negado siempre a seguir la Roma de tendencia neomodernista y neoprotestante que se manifestó claramente en el Concilio Vaticano II y después del Concilio en todas las reformas que de éste salieron.

Del Sermón del Domingo de Pascua del 30 de marzo de 1986

Nos encontramos verdaderamente frente a un dilema gravísimo, que creo no se planteó jamás en la Iglesia: que quien está sentado en la Sede de Pedro participe en cultos de falsos dioses; creo que esto no sucedió jamás en toda la historia de la Iglesia. ¿Qué conclusión deberemos quizás sacar dentro de algunos meses ante estos actos repetidos de comunión con falsos cultos? No lo sé. Me lo pregunto. Pero es posible que estemos en la obligación de creer que este Papa no es Papa. No quiero decirlo aún de una manera solemne y formal, pero parece, sí, a primera vista, que es imposible que un Papa sea hereje pública y formalmente.

De la Conferencia del 15 de abril de 1986

Queridos amigos, ¡pudieron, durante las vacaciones, reflexionar sobre el sermón del domingo de Pascua!…

Entonces querría, puesto que hay distintos ecos, distintas reacciones, querría clarificar un poco, en la medida en que sea posible, porque la situación de la Iglesia es una situación tan misteriosa, que no es tan fácil clarificar las cosas…

Entonces el problema se plantea.

Primer problema: la communicatio en sacris.

Segundo problema: la cuestión de la herejía.

Tercer problema: ¿el Papa es aún Papa cuando es hereje?

¡Yo no sé, no zanjo! Pero pueden plantearse la cuestión ustedes mismos. Pienso que todo hombre juicioso debe plantearse la cuestión. No sé. Entonces, ahora, ¿es urgente hablar de esto?…

Se puede no hablar, obviamente… Podemos hablar entre nosotros, privadamente, en nuestras oficinas, en nuestras conversaciones privadas, entre seminaristas, entre sacerdotes…

¿Es necesario hablar a los fieles? Muchos dicen: — No, no habléis a los fieles. Van a escandalizarse. Eso va a ser terrible, eso va a ir lejos…

Bien. Yo dije a los sacerdotes, en París, cuando los reuní, y luego a vosotros mismos, ya os había hablado, yo dije: pienso que, muy suavemente, es necesario, a pesar de todo, esclarecer un poco a los fieles…

No digo que sea necesario hacerlo brutalmente y lanzar eso como condimento a los fieles para asustarlos… No.

Pero pienso que, a pesar de todo, es una cuestión precisamente de fe. Es necesario que los fieles no pierdan la fe. Estamos encargamos de guardar la fe de los fieles, de protegerla.

Van a perder la fe… incluso nuestros tradicionalistas. Incluso nuestros tradicionalistas no tendrán ya la fe en Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. ¡Ya que esta fe se pierde! Se pierde en los sacerdotes, se pierde en los obispos.

Entonces, he aquí la situación en la cual nos encontramos y es necesario volver nuevamente siempre a eso: tengamos la fe, reavivemos nuestra fe, porque es debido a la fe que se pierde que el Concilio fue lo que fue.

Pienso que allí está el problema.

Y se dice: Monseñor va a hacer cisma... ¿Pero ¿quién hace cisma? … ¡No soy yo! Para hacer cisma es necesario dejar la Iglesia. Y dejar la Iglesia, es dejar la fe, en primer lugar.

¿Quién deja la fe de la Iglesia? La autoridad está al servicio de la fe. Si ella abandona la fe, es ella quien hace cisma. Entonces no somos nosotros quienes hacemos cisma.

¿Qué va a salir de esto?

Será necesario un buen día que Dios hable. No es posible que Dios permita ser dejado de lado por los que deben defenderlo, por los que deben ser sus partidarios…

¡No es posible que eso dure indefinidamente, no es posible eso!

De la Carta a los futuros Obispos, 29 de agosto de 1987

Estando la cátedra de Pedro y los puestos de autoridad de Roma ocupados por anticristos, la destrucción del Reino de Nuestro Señor se continúa rápidamente incluso dentro de su Cuerpo Místico, especialmente por la corrupción de la Santa Misa, expresión espléndida del triunfo de Nuestro Señor por la Cruz, y fuente de extensión de su Reino en las almas y en las sociedades. Esto es lo que nos valió la persecución de la Roma anticristo. Esta Roma, modernista y liberal, continúa su obra destructiva del Reino de Nuestro Señor, como lo prueban Asís y la confirmación de las tesis liberales de Vaticano II sobre la libertad religiosa. Me veo obligado por la Providencia divina a transmitir la gracia del episcopado católico que recibí, para que la Iglesia y el sacerdocio católico sigan subsistiendo para la gloria de Dios y la salvación de las almas. Esta es la razón por la que, convencido de realizar la santa Voluntad de Nuestro Señor, vengo por esta carta a pedirles que acepten recibir la gracia del episcopado católico, como ya lo he conferido a otros sacerdotes en otras circunstancias.

Les conferiré esta gracia, confiando que sin tardar la Sede de Pedro estará ocupada por un sucesor de Pedro perfectamente católico, en las manos de quien podrán depositar la gracia de vuestro episcopado para que la confirme.

Del Retiro Sacerdotal de septiembre de 1987

Y, a continuación, ahora, voy a referirme a lo que ustedes probablemente están más interesados. Yo digo: Roma ha perdido la fe, queridos amigos. Roma está en la apostasía. No son simples palabras, no son palabras en el aire las que digo. Es la verdad. Roma está en la apostasía.

No se puede confiar en este mundo; él salió de la Iglesia, dejaron la Iglesia, salen de la Iglesia. Es seguro; seguro, seguro.

No es posible entenderse. Se lo he resumido sucintamente al Cardenal Ratzinger, en pocas palabras, es que no es fácil resumir toda esta situación; pero le dije: «Eminencia, vea, incluso si ustedes nos dan un obispo, incluso si ustedes nos dan una cierta autonomía respecto de los obispos, incluso si ustedes nos dan la liturgia de 1962, si nos conceden continuar con los seminarios y la Fraternidad, como lo hacemos ahora, no podemos colaborar, es imposible, imposible, porque trabajamos en dos direcciones diametralmente opuestas: ustedes, trabajan en la descristianización de la sociedad, de la persona humana y de la Iglesia; y nosotros, estamos trabajando en la cristianización.» No podemos entendernos”.

Así que le dije: «Para nosotros, Cristo es todo; Nuestro Señor Jesucristo es todo, es nuestra vida. La Iglesia, es nuestro Señor Jesucristo, su Esposa Mística. El sacerdote, es otro Cristo; su Misa es el sacrificio de Jesucristo y el triunfo de Jesucristo en la Cruz. En nuestro seminario enseñamos a amar a Cristo, y está dirigido al Reinado de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nuestro apostolado es el Reinado de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Eso es lo que somos.

Y ustedes, ustedes hacen lo contrario. Usted acaba de decirme que la sociedad no debe ser cristiana, no puede ser cristiana; ¡que va en contra de su naturaleza!

Usted acaba de pretender probarme que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo no puede y no debe reinar en la sociedad. Y desea probarme que la conciencia humana es libre respecto de Nuestro Señor

“Es necesario dejar la libertad y un espacio social autónomo”, como usted dice. Esto es la descristianización. Pues bien, nosotros estamos por la cristianización. Esto es. No podemos

Del Retiro Sacerdotal, 9 de septiembre de 1988

¿Salir, por lo tanto, de la iglesia oficial? En cierta medida, sí, por supuesto.

El libro del señor Madiran, “La Herejía del siglo XX” es la historia de la herejía de los obispos.

Si uno no quiere perder su alma, es necesario salir de este medio de los obispos.

Pero no es suficiente, porque es en Roma que está instalada la herejía.

Si los obispos son herejes (incluso sin tomar este término en el sentido y con las consecuencias canónicas), no es sin la influencia de Roma.

Si nos alejamos de estas personas, es absolutamente como con las personas que tienen SIDA.

No hay ningún deseo de contagiárselo.

Ahora bien, tienen SIDA espiritual, enfermedades contagiosas transmisibles.

Si uno quiere mantener la salud, es necesario no ir con ellos.

De la Entrevista concedida a Fideliter, noviembre-diciembre de 1988

No tenemos la misma manera de concebir la reconciliación. El cardenal Ratzinger la ve en el sentido de reducirnos, de traernos al Vaticano II. Nosotros la vemos como un retorno de Roma a la Tradición. No nos entendemos. Es un diálogo de sordos. No puedo hablar mucho del futuro, ya que el mío está detrás de mí. Pero si vivo un poco aún y suponiendo que de aquí a un determinado tiempo Roma haga un llamado, que quiera volver a vernos, reanudar el diálogo, en ese momento sería yo quien impondría las condiciones. No aceptaré más estar en la situación en la que nos encontramos durante los coloquios. Esto se terminó.

Plantearía la cuestión a nivel doctrinal: “¿Están de acuerdo con las grandes encíclicas de todos los papas que los precedieron? ¿Están de acuerdo con Quanta Cura de Pío IX, Immortale Dei, Libertas de León XIII, Pascendi de Pío X, Quas Primas de Pío XI, ¿Humani Generis de Pío XII?

¿Están en plena comunión con estos papas y con sus afirmaciones? ¿Aceptan aún el juramento antimodernista? ¿Están a favor del reinado social de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo?

Si no aceptan la doctrina de sus antecesores, es inútil hablar. Mientras no hayan aceptado reformar el Concilio considerando la doctrina de estos papas que los precedieron, no hay Las posiciones quedarían así más claras.

No es una pequeña cosa la que nos opone. No basta que se nos diga: pueden rezar la misa antigua, pero es necesario aceptar esto. No, no es solamente eso lo que nos opone, es la doctrina. Queda claro.


jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Bula "Quo primum tempore" do Santo Papa Pio V. E a suposta proibição do rito latino da Missa.


Com grande indignação vimos como o atual “Pontífice” voltou à carga com um ódio patente e ousado contra a Santa Missa no venerável rito latino. Desde o "Conciliabulum" do Vaticano II até este momento, os "papas", de uma forma ou de outra, abusaram de sua autoridade em muitos pontos da tradição de dois mil anos da Igreja. Mas com ódio especial e inaceitável contra este venerável rito como é a Santa Missa em rito latino, emulando o próprio Lutero com esta ousadia sem precedentes e indo além do que foi feito pelo heresiarca.

Não podemos nos calar, muito menos apoiar tal abuso de autoridade, muito menos obedecer a uma proposição iníqua e contrária à Vontade Divina que deve ser obedecida acima de tudo e acima de todos os homens inclusive o atual “sumo sacerdote”. Cometeríamos um ato de união com uma heresia modernista já condenada por São Pio X, se dermos conscientemente nosso apoio incondicional a esta barbárie que demonstra claramente seu ódio a tudo o que é SANTO.

Para refutar e esclarecer a posição da Igreja Católica, apresentaremos mais um argumento de autoridade emanado de Sua Santidade São Pio V, sua famosa bula QUO PRIMUM TEMPORE, que Deus, em sua infinita bondade, abra sua inteligência, medite e entenda o porquê a Missa de sempre NÃO PODE SER PROIBIDA POR NINGUÉM, MUITO MENOS SUPRIMIDA, uma vez expressa a nossa opinião, passemos à bula.

-Pio Bispo Servo dos servos de Deus para memória perpétua

I. Desde o primeiro momento em que fomos elevados ao cume do Apostolado, aplicamos de bom grado o nosso espírito e as nossas forças e dirigimos todos os nossos pensamentos para as coisas que tendiam a preservar puro o culto da Igreja e procuramos organizá-las e, com a ajuda do próprio Deus, por realizá-los com toda a dedicação.

II. E como, entre outras decisões do Santo Concílio de Trento, nos compete estabelecer a edição e reforma dos livros sagrados – o Catecismo, o Missal e o Breviário – depois de já termos, graças a Deus, publicado o Catecismo para o instrução do povo

e corrigiu completamente o Breviário para que o devido louvor seja prestado a Deus, pareceu-nos então necessário pensar o quanto antes no que faltava neste campo:

editar um Missal que corresponda ao Breviário, conforme seja congruente e oportuno (porque é extremamente conveniente que na Igreja de Deus haja apenas uma forma de salmodiar, apenas um rito para celebrar a Missa).

III. Consequentemente, estimamos que tal cargo deveria ser confiado a sábios escolhidos: são eles, certamente, que restauraram tal Missal à norma e rito primitivos dos Santos Padres (3) . Esta tarefa foi realizada após uma cuidadosa recolha de todos os textos – os antigos da nossa Biblioteca do Vaticano juntamente com outros procurados por toda a parte, corrigidos e sem alterações – e depois de consultar também os escritos dos antigos e autores reconhecidos que nos deixaram testemunhos sobre o venerável instituição de ritos.

4. Tendo já revisado e corrigido o Missal, ordenamos, após madura reflexão,  que seja impresso o mais rápido possível em Roma e, uma vez impresso, editado, para que todos possam colher os frutos desta instituição e da tarefa empreendida. E principalmente para que os padres saibam quais orações devem usar a partir de agora, quais ritos ou cerimônias devem manter na celebração das missas.

V. Pois bem: para que todos, em todos os lugares, abracem e observem o que lhes foi transmitido pela sacrossanta Igreja Romana, mãe e mestra das outras Igrejas, doravante e para a perpetuidade dos tempos futuros, proibimos (4) que  outras  fórmulas  sejam cantadas ou recitadas que as de acordo com o Missal por Nós editado, e isto em todas as Igrejas Patriarcais, Catedrais, Colegiadas e Paroquiais das Províncias do mundo cristão, seculares e regulares de qualquer Ordem ou Mosteiro – tanto masculinas como femininas e mesmo das milícias – e nas Igrejas ou Capelas sem cargo de almas, onde se costume ou se deva celebrar a Missa Conventual, em voz alta com coro ou em voz baixa, segundo o rito da Igreja Romana (7  ) .

Aún si esas mismas Iglesias, por una dispensa cualquiera, hayan estado amparadas en un indulto de la Sede Apostólica, en una costumbre, en un privilegio (incluso juramentado), en una confirmación Apostólica o en cualquier tipo de permiso.

Salvo que (8) en tales Iglesias, a partir precisamente de una institución inicial aprobada por la Sede Apost6lica o a raíz de una costumbre, esta última o la propia institución hayan sido observadas ininterrumpidamente en la celebración de Misas por más de doscientos años. A esas Iglesias, de ninguna manera les suprimimos la celebración

instituído ou costumeiro. De qualquer forma, se você gosta mais deste Missal, que agora está surgindo sob Nossos cuidados, Nós permitimos que você celebre Missas de acordo com ele sem nenhum impedimento, se o Bispo, o Prelado ou todo o Capítulo consentir.

SERRA. Em vez disso (9) , privando todas as outras Igrejas listadas acima  (10)  do uso de seus próprios Missais, descartando-os total e radicalmente e decretando que  nada deve ser adicionado, excluído ou alterado a este Nosso Missal recém-editado , Nós a estabelecemos e ordenamos por meio de Nossa presente Constituição, válida perpetuamente, e sob pena de Nossa indignação  (11) .

Assim, conjunta e individualmente a todos os Patriarcas de tais Igrejas, seus Administradores e demais pessoas que se destaquem por alguma dignidade eclesiástica – ainda que sejam Cardeais da Santa Igreja Romana ou sejam investidos de qualquer grau ou preeminência – enviamos e Nós estritamente preceituamos, em virtude da santa obediência:

- que cantem e leiam a Missa de acordo com o rito, modo e norma que agora transmitimos através deste Missal, a partir de agora abandonando completamente e descartando categoricamente todos os outros procedimentos e ritos observados até hoje por costume e originários de outros Missais de várias antiguidades;

- e que não ousem acrescentar ou recitar na celebração da Missa outras cerimônias além das contidas no presente Missal.

VII- Além disso  (12) , por autoridade apostólica  (13)  e segundo o presente, damos concessão e indulto  (14) , também em perpetuidade, que no futuro sigam integralmente este Missal  (15)  e que possam, com validade  (16) , para usá-lo livre e legalmente em todas as Igrejas sem escrúpulos de consciência e sem incorrer em punições, sentenças ou

censura de qualquer natureza  (17) .

VIII. Da mesma forma, estabelecemos e declaramos:

- que nem os Prelados, nem os Administradores, nem os Capelães, nem outros Sacerdotes seculares de qualquer denominação ou regulares de qualquer Ordem serão obrigados a celebrar a Missa de forma diferente da estabelecida por Nós;

- que não podem ser forçados ou compelidos por ninguém a substituir este Missal;

- e que esta Carta nunca pode ser revogada ou modificada a qualquer momento, mas que sempre permanece firme e válida em sua força.

Não obstante  (18)  os anteriores estatutos ou costumes contrários de qualquer tipo, tais como: Constituições e Ordenações Apostólicas, Constituições e Ordenações Gerais ou Especiais emanadas dos Conselhos Provinciais e Sinodais, nem o uso das Igrejas acima listadas, quando, apesar de fortalecidas por uma receita muito antiga e imemorial, não ultrapassa duzentos anos.

IX. Em vez disso, é Nossa vontade e decretamos  (19)  pela mesma autoridade que, após a publicação desta constituição e do Missal, os sacerdotes presentes na Cúria Romana sejam obrigados a cantar ou recitar a Missa de acordo com a mesma no final do mês; por sua vez, os que vivem deste lado dos Alpes, depois de três meses; e aqueles que moram além daquelas montanhas, depois de seis meses ou a partir de quando o encontram à venda. X  (20) .

E para que em todos os lugares da terra seja preservado sem corrupção e purificado de defeitos e erros, também por autoridade ou por autoridade Apostólica e de acordo com isso proibimos a audácia ou ousadia de imprimir, oferecer ou receber de qualquer forma este Missal sem a Nossa licença ou a licença especial de um Comissário Apostólico que constituiremos para o efeito em cada região: deve previamente dar plena fé a cada impressor que o exemplar do Missal que servirá de modelo aos demais, foi recolhido com o impresso em Roma de acordo com a edição original, e concorda com ele e não discorda em nada.

(A nossa proibição é dirigida) a todos os impressores que vivam no domínio directa ou indirectamente sujeitos a Nós e à Santa Igreja Romana, sob pena de apreensão dos livros e multa de duzentos ducados de ouro a pagar ipso facto à Câmara  Apostólica e aos demais estabelecidos em qualquer parte do mundo, sob pena de excomunhão  latæ sententiæ  (automática) e outras punições a nosso critério.

XI. A propósito, como seria difícil transmitir esta Carta a todos os lugares do mundo cristão e torná-la conhecida de todos desde o início, prescrevemos que sejam publicadas e afixadas, conforme o costume, nas portas da Basílica do Príncipe dos Apóstolos e da Chancelaria Apostólica e no final do Campo de Flora; e que os exemplares desta Carta que forem mostrados ou exibidos - mesmo os impressos, subscritos de próprio punho por algum tabelião público e também segurados com o selo de uma pessoa constituída em dignidade eclesiástica - sejam concedidos em todas as nações e coloquem o mesmo fé perfeitamente indubitável que seria concedida ao presente.

XII. Portanto, que absolutamente nenhum dos homens é lícito violar ou ir, por temerária audácia, contra esta página de Nossa permissão, estatuto, ordem, mandato, preceito, concessão, indulto, declaração, testamento, decreto e proibição (21  ) .

Mas se alguém ousar atacar isso, saberá que incorreu na indignação de Deus Todo-Poderoso e dos abençoados apóstolos Pedro e Paulo.

  Dado em Roma, em São Pedro, no ano mil quinhentos e setenta da Encarnação do Senhor, às vésperas dos idos de julho do quinto ano do Nosso Pontificado.

Com base na presente Bula, pode-se, sem medo de errar, concluir o seguinte:

a) Que a Missa de São Pio V, como é usualmente chamada em latim, foi canonizada comprometendo a infalibilidade do Sumo Pontífice, o que a isenta de todos os erros doutrinários, teológicos e litúrgicos. E o blinda ou protege de qualquer tentativa de mudar ou remover algo dele.

b) Esta cláusula da Bula é muito importante:

"Nunca acrescente, apague ou modifique nada a este Nosso Missal recém editado, nós o estabelecemos e o ordenamos através da Nossa presente Constituição, válida perpetuamente, e sob pena de Nossa indignação" (11  ). Acho que esta palavra "Nunca" anexada ao; "Suprimir ou mudar" são palavras ditas cuja finalidade não se limita ao Pontificado de SS Pio XII, mas vão mais longe e atingem, a meu ver, até a própria Parousia, onde cessou a validade desta Bula. O Santo Pontífice adverte sobre “retirar”, que é o mesmo que suprimir, ou “mudar” com palavras severas que fazem o sangue gelar: Saibam que incorrem “sob pena da Nossa indignação”. Sua Santidade São Pio V, segundo a severa advertência, vê-se que tinha o espírito de profecia e advertiu que os Papas, bispos e sacerdotes se abstenham de retirar, suprimir e mudar, ignorando a clara advertência e sem concessões a ninguém de qualquer tipo. .

Ignorar essas advertências sagradas é, em última análise, incorrer na ira divina, não importa o quão "convincentes" nossos argumentos possam ser para fazer o oposto do que o Santo Pontífice ordena, a menos que sejamos mais santos do que ele. "Contra facta non fit argumentum"

c) Esta outra seção também é muito interessante, contém três pontos muito interessantes:

1) - que nem os Prelados, nem os Administradores, nem os Capelães, nem outros Sacerdotes seculares de qualquer denominação ou regulares de qualquer Ordem serão obrigados a celebrar a Missa de forma diferente da estabelecida por Nós;

2) que não podem ser forçados ou compelidos por ninguém a substituir este Missal;

3) e que esta Carta nunca pode ser revogada ou modificada em nenhum momento, mas que sempre permanece firme e válida em sua vigência.

Desde 1965 ou depois do Concílio Vaticano II, a obrigação de rezar a nova missa foi estabelecida como obrigatória em todo o mundo católico e eles queriam suprimir a missa de São Pio V ou missa em latim, até agora continua essa pérfida luta para suprimi-la. mundo, mas essas tentativas fracassadas colidem e desmoronam diante da parede divina encontrada neste Touro. Mais uma vez São Pio V aparece aqui com grande espírito de indiscutível profecia e os inimigos do Sagrado se viram na triste situação de "aceitar sua derrota" e inventar um novo rito protestante, que tem causado muitos desastres à Santa Igreja. por nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

Nesta breve exposição da Bula "Quo Primum Tempore" nada me move senão o de expor com veracidade e total adesão ao pensamento do legislador aqui na terra que não é outro senão São Pio V, Deus me conceda a graça de nunca se separar das palavras escritas nesta Bula, apesar das dores que o sofredor Esposo de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, a Santa Igreja está passando atualmente, rogo à Bem-Aventurada Virgem Maria que me guarde sempre neste espírito da referida Bula, que não é outro senão o de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.



Bull "Quo primum tempore" From Saint Pope Pius V. And the supposed prohibition of the Latin rite of the Mass.

With great indignation we have seen how the current "Pontiff" returned to the charge with a bold and patent hatred against the Holy Mass in the venerable Latin rite. From the Vatican II "Conciliabulum" to this moment the "popes," in one way or another, have abused their authority in many points of the two thousand year old tradition of the Church. But with special and unacceptable hatred against this venerable rite as is the Holy Mass in the Latin rite, emulating Luther himself with this unprecedented daring and going beyond what was done by the heresiarch.

We cannot be silent, much less support such an abuse of authority, much less obey an iniquitous prodition and contrary to the Divine Will which must be obeyed above all and above all men including the current "high priest". We would commit an act of union with a modernist heresy already condemned by Saint Pius X, if we consciously gave our unconditional support to this barbarity that clearly demonstrates their hatred of everything HOLY.

To refute and make clear the position of the Catholic Church, we will present another argument of authority emanating from His Holiness Saint Pius V, his famous bull QUO PRIMUM TEMPORE, may God, in his infinite goodness, open your intelligence, meditate and understand why the The usual Mass CANNOT BE FORBIDDEN BY ANYONE, MUCH LESS SUPPRESSED, once our opinion has been expressed, let's move on to the bull.

-Pio Bishop Servant of the servants of God for perpetual memory

I. From the first moment in which we were elevated to the pinnacle of the Apostolate, we willingly applied our spirit and our strength and directed all our thoughts towards those things that tended to preserve the Church's worship pure and we endeavored to organize them and, with the help of God himself, for carrying them out with all due dedication.

II. And since, among other decisions of the Holy Council of Trent, it is incumbent on us to establish the edition and reform of the sacred books – the Catechism, the Missal and the Breviary – after having already, thank God, published the Catechism for the instruction of the people

and completely corrected the Breviary so that due praise is rendered to God, it seemed necessary to us then to think as soon as possible about what was lacking in this field:

edit a Missal that corresponded to the Breviary, as is congruent and appropriate (because it is extremely convenient that in the Church of God there is only one way of psalmodying, only one rite to celebrate the Mass).

III. Consequently, we have estimated that such a charge should be entrusted to chosen wise men: it is they, certainly, who have restored such a Missal to the pristine norm and rite of the Holy Fathers (3) . This task was carried out after carefully collecting all the texts – the ancient ones from our Vatican Library together with others searched for everywhere, corrected and without alterations – and after also consulting the writings of the ancients and recognized authors who left us testimonies about the venerable institution of rites.

IV. Having already revised and corrected the Missal, we have ordered  after mature reflection  that it be printed as soon as possible in Rome, and, once printed, edited, so that all may reap the fruit of this institution and the task undertaken. And especially so that the priests know what prayers they should use from now on, what rites or ceremonies they have to maintain in the celebration of the Masses.

V. Well then: in order that everyone everywhere embrace and observe what has been transmitted to them by the sacrosanct Roman Church, mother and teacher of the other Churches, henceforth and for the perpetuity of future times we prohibit (  4   that other formulas be sung or recited than those in accordance with the Missal edited by Us, and this in all the Patriarchal, Cathedral, Collegiate and Parochial Churches of the Provinces of the Christian world, secular and regular of any Order or Monastery – both men and of women and even of militias – and in the Churches or Chapels without charge of souls, where the Conventual Mass is customary or should be celebrated, in a loud voice with choir or in a low voice, according to the rite of the Roman Church (7  ) .

Even if those same Churches, due to any dispensation, have been protected by a pardon from the Apostolic See, by a custom, by a privilege (even sworn), by an Apostolic confirmation or by any type of permit.

Unless  (8)  in such Churches, precisely from an initial institution approved by the Apostolic See or as a result of a custom, the latter or the institution itself have been observed without interruption in the celebration of Masses for more than two hundred years.  To these Churches, in no way do we suppress the celebration

instituted or customary. In any case, if you like this Missal more, which is now coming to light under Our care, We allow you to celebrate Masses according to it without any impediment, if the Bishop, the Prelate or the entire Chapter consents.

SAW. Instead  (9) , by depriving all the other Churches listed above  (10)  of the use of their own Missals, by totally and radically discarding them, and by decreeing that  nothing should ever be added, deleted or changed to this newly edited Our Missal, We establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation  (11) .

Thus, jointly and individually to all the Patriarchs of such Churches, their Administrators and other persons who stand out for some ecclesiastical dignity – even when they are Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church or are vested with any degree or pre-eminence – we send and We strictly precept, by virtue of holy obedience:

- that they sing and read the Mass according to the rite, manner and norm that we now transmit through this Missal, henceforth completely abandoning and flatly discarding all other procedures and rites observed until today by custom and originating in other Missals of various antiquity;

- and that they do not dare to add or recite in the celebration of the Mass ceremonies other than those contained in the present Missal.

VII- In addition (12) , by Apostolic authority  (13)  and according to the present, we give concession and pardon  (14) , also in perpetuity, that in the future they completely follow this Missal  (15)  and that they can, with validity  (16) , to use it freely and lawfully in all the Churches without any scruples of conscience and without incurring in punishments, sentences, or

censorship of any kind (17).

VIII. Likewise, we establish and declare:

- that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

- that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

- and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Notwithstanding  (18)  the preceding contrary statutes or customs of any kind, such as: Apostolic constitutions and ordinances, general or special constitutions and ordinances issued by Provincial and Synodal Councils, nor the use of the Churches listed above, when, despite being strengthened by a very ancient and immemorial prescription, it does not exceed two hundred years.

IX. Instead, it is Our will and we decree  (19)  by the same authority that, after the publication of this constitution and the Missal, the priests present in the Roman Curia are obliged to sing or recite the Mass according to the same at the end of the month; for their part, those who live on this side of the Alps, after three months; and those who live beyond those mountains, after six months or from when they find it for sale. X (20) 

And so that in all places on earth it may be preserved without corruption and purified from defects and errors, also by authority or by Apostolic authority and in accordance with this we prohibit the audacity or daring to print, offer or receive in any forms this Missal without Our license or the special license of an Apostolic Commissioner that We will constitute for this purpose in each region: he must previously give full faith to each printer that the copy of the Missal that will serve as a model for the others, has been collated with the one printed in Rome according to the original edition, and agrees with it and does not disagree at all.

(Our prohibition is addressed) to all printers who live in the domain directly or indirectly subject to Us and to the Holy Roman Church, under penalty of confiscation of books and a fine of two hundred gold ducats payable ipso facto to the Apostolic  Chamber ; and to the others established in any part of the world, under penalty of excommunication  latæ sententiæ  (automatic) and other punishments at our discretion.

XI. By the way, as it would be difficult to transmit this Letter to all places in the Christian world and make it known to all from the beginning, we hereby precept: that they be published and posted, according to custom, on the doors of the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles and the Apostolic Chancery and at the end of Campo de Flora; and that the copies of this Charter that are shown or exhibited - even the printed ones, subscribed by one's own hand by some public tabillion and also insured with the seal of a person constituted in ecclesiastical dignity - be granted in every nation and place the same perfectly indubitable faith that would be bestowed upon the present.

XII. Therefore, that absolutely none of the men is lawful to break or go, by reckless audacity, against this page of Our permission, statute, order, mandate, precept, concession, pardon, declaration, will, decree and prohibition (21) .

But if anyone dares to attack this, they will know that they have incurred the indignation of Almighty God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

  Given in Rome, in Saint Peter in the year one thousand five hundred and seventy of the Incarnation of the Lord, on the eve of the Ides of July, in the fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Based on the present Bull, one can, without fear of error, conclude the following:

a) That the Mass of Saint Pius V, as the Mass is usually called in Latin, was canonized compromising the infallibility of the Supreme Pontiff, which exempts it from all doctrinal, theological and liturgical errors. And he shields or protects her from any attempt to change or remove something from her.

b) This clause of the Bull is very important:

"Never add, delete or change anything to this newly edited Missal of Ours, we establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation" (11). I think this word "Never" attached to the; "Suppress or change" are words spoken whose purpose is not limited to the Pontificate of SS Pius XII, but rather go further and reach, in my opinion, even the Parousia itself, where the validity of this Bull ceased. The Holy Pontiff warns of “removing”, which is the same as suppressing, or “changing” with severe words that make the blood run cold: Know that you incur “under pain of Our indignation”. His Holiness Saint Pius V, according to the severe warning, it is seen that he had the spirit of prophecy and warned that the Popes, bishops and priests refrain from removing, suppressing and changing, ignoring the clear warning and without concessions to anyone of any kind.

Ignoring these holy warnings is ultimately incurring divine wrath no matter how "convincing" our arguments may be to do the opposite of what the Holy Pontiff commands, unless we are holier than he. "Contra facta non fit argumentum"

c) This other section is also very interesting, it contains three very interesting points:

1) - that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

2) that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

3) and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Since 1965 or after the Second Vatican Council, the obligation to pray the new mass was established obligatory throughout the Catholic world and they wanted to suppress the Mass of Saint Pius V or Mass in Latin, until now this perfidious struggle to suppress it continues. Catholic world, but these failed attempts collide and crumble before the divine wall found in this Bull. Once again Saint Pius V appears here with a great spirit of indisputable prophecy and the enemies of the Sacred found themselves in the sad situation of "accepting their defeat" and inventing a new Protestant rite, which has caused many disasters to the Holy Church. Instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this brief exposition of the Bull "Quo Primum Tempore" I am moved by no other spirit than to expose truthfully and in total adherence to the thought of the legislator here on earth who is none other than Saint Pius V, God grant me the grace of never be separated from the words written in this Bull, despite the sorrows that the suffering Spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Church is currently going through, I beg the Blessed Virgin Mary to always keep me in this spirit of said Bull, which is none other than that of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Bull "Quo primum tempore" From Saint Pope Pius V. And the supposed prohibition of the Latin rite of the Mass.

With great indignation we have seen how the current "Pontiff" returned to the charge with a bold and patent hatred against the Holy Mass in the venerable Latin rite. From the Vatican II "Conciliabulum" to this moment the "popes," in one way or another, have abused their authority in many points of the two thousand year old tradition of the Church. But with special and unacceptable hatred against this venerable rite as is the Holy Mass in the Latin rite, emulating Luther himself with this unprecedented daring and going beyond what was done by the heresiarch.

We cannot be silent, much less support such an abuse of authority, much less obey an iniquitous prodition and contrary to the Divine Will which must be obeyed above all and above all men including the current "high priest". We would commit an act of union with a modernist heresy already condemned by Saint Pius X, if we consciously gave our unconditional support to this barbarity that clearly demonstrates their hatred of everything HOLY.

To refute and make clear the position of the Catholic Church, we will present another argument of authority emanating from His Holiness Saint Pius V, his famous bull QUO PRIMUM TEMPORE, may God, in his infinite goodness, open your intelligence, meditate and understand why the The usual Mass CANNOT BE FORBIDDEN BY ANYONE, MUCH LESS SUPPRESSED, once our opinion has been expressed, let's move on to the bull.

-Pio Bishop Servant of the servants of God for perpetual memory

I. From the first moment in which we were elevated to the pinnacle of the Apostolate, we willingly applied our spirit and our strength and directed all our thoughts towards those things that tended to preserve the Church's worship pure and we endeavored to organize them and, with the help of God himself, for carrying them out with all due dedication.

II. And since, among other decisions of the Holy Council of Trent, it is incumbent on us to establish the edition and reform of the sacred books – the Catechism, the Missal and the Breviary – after having already, thank God, published the Catechism for the instruction of the people

and completely corrected the Breviary so that due praise is rendered to God, it seemed necessary to us then to think as soon as possible about what was lacking in this field:

edit a Missal that corresponded to the Breviary, as is congruent and appropriate (because it is extremely convenient that in the Church of God there is only one way of psalmodying, only one rite to celebrate the Mass).

III. Consequently, we have estimated that such a charge should be entrusted to chosen wise men: it is they, certainly, who have restored such a Missal to the pristine norm and rite of the Holy Fathers (3) . This task was carried out after carefully collecting all the texts – the ancient ones from our Vatican Library together with others searched for everywhere, corrected and without alterations – and after also consulting the writings of the ancients and recognized authors who left us testimonies about the venerable institution of rites.

IV. Having already revised and corrected the Missal, we have ordered  after mature reflection  that it be printed as soon as possible in Rome, and, once printed, edited, so that all may reap the fruit of this institution and the task undertaken. And especially so that the priests know what prayers they should use from now on, what rites or ceremonies they have to maintain in the celebration of the Masses.

V. Well then: in order that everyone everywhere embrace and observe what has been transmitted to them by the sacrosanct Roman Church, mother and teacher of the other Churches, henceforth and for the perpetuity of future times we prohibit (  4   that other formulas be sung or recited than those in accordance with the Missal edited by Us, and this in all the Patriarchal, Cathedral, Collegiate and Parochial Churches of the Provinces of the Christian world, secular and regular of any Order or Monastery – both men and of women and even of militias – and in the Churches or Chapels without charge of souls, where the Conventual Mass is customary or should be celebrated, in a loud voice with choir or in a low voice, according to the rite of the Roman Church (7  ) .

Even if those same Churches, due to any dispensation, have been protected by a pardon from the Apostolic See, by a custom, by a privilege (even sworn), by an Apostolic confirmation or by any type of permit.

Unless  (8)  in such Churches, precisely from an initial institution approved by the Apostolic See or as a result of a custom, the latter or the institution itself have been observed without interruption in the celebration of Masses for more than two hundred years.  To these Churches, in no way do we suppress the celebration

instituted or customary. In any case, if you like this Missal more, which is now coming to light under Our care, We allow you to celebrate Masses according to it without any impediment, if the Bishop, the Prelate or the entire Chapter consents.

SAW. Instead  (9) , by depriving all the other Churches listed above  (10)  of the use of their own Missals, by totally and radically discarding them, and by decreeing that  nothing should ever be added, deleted or changed to this newly edited Our Missal, We establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation  (11) .

Thus, jointly and individually to all the Patriarchs of such Churches, their Administrators and other persons who stand out for some ecclesiastical dignity – even when they are Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church or are vested with any degree or pre-eminence – we send and We strictly precept, by virtue of holy obedience:

- that they sing and read the Mass according to the rite, manner and norm that we now transmit through this Missal, henceforth completely abandoning and flatly discarding all other procedures and rites observed until today by custom and originating in other Missals of various antiquity;

- and that they do not dare to add or recite in the celebration of the Mass ceremonies other than those contained in the present Missal.

VII- In addition (12) , by Apostolic authority  (13)  and according to the present, we give concession and pardon  (14) , also in perpetuity, that in the future they completely follow this Missal  (15)  and that they can, with validity  (16) , to use it freely and lawfully in all the Churches without any scruples of conscience and without incurring in punishments, sentences, or

censorship of any kind (17).

VIII. Likewise, we establish and declare:

- that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

- that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

- and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Notwithstanding  (18)  the preceding contrary statutes or customs of any kind, such as: Apostolic constitutions and ordinances, general or special constitutions and ordinances issued by Provincial and Synodal Councils, nor the use of the Churches listed above, when, despite being strengthened by a very ancient and immemorial prescription, it does not exceed two hundred years.

IX. Instead, it is Our will and we decree  (19)  by the same authority that, after the publication of this constitution and the Missal, the priests present in the Roman Curia are obliged to sing or recite the Mass according to the same at the end of the month; for their part, those who live on this side of the Alps, after three months; and those who live beyond those mountains, after six months or from when they find it for sale. X (20) 

And so that in all places on earth it may be preserved without corruption and purified from defects and errors, also by authority or by Apostolic authority and in accordance with this we prohibit the audacity or daring to print, offer or receive in any forms this Missal without Our license or the special license of an Apostolic Commissioner that We will constitute for this purpose in each region: he must previously give full faith to each printer that the copy of the Missal that will serve as a model for the others, has been collated with the one printed in Rome according to the original edition, and agrees with it and does not disagree at all.

(Our prohibition is addressed) to all printers who live in the domain directly or indirectly subject to Us and to the Holy Roman Church, under penalty of confiscation of books and a fine of two hundred gold ducats payable ipso facto to the Apostolic  Chamber ; and to the others established in any part of the world, under penalty of excommunication  latæ sententiæ  (automatic) and other punishments at our discretion.

XI. By the way, as it would be difficult to transmit this Letter to all places in the Christian world and make it known to all from the beginning, we hereby precept: that they be published and posted, according to custom, on the doors of the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles and the Apostolic Chancery and at the end of Campo de Flora; and that the copies of this Charter that are shown or exhibited - even the printed ones, subscribed by one's own hand by some public tabillion and also insured with the seal of a person constituted in ecclesiastical dignity - be granted in every nation and place the same perfectly indubitable faith that would be bestowed upon the present.

XII. Therefore, that absolutely none of the men is lawful to break or go, by reckless audacity, against this page of Our permission, statute, order, mandate, precept, concession, pardon, declaration, will, decree and prohibition (21) .

But if anyone dares to attack this, they will know that they have incurred the indignation of Almighty God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

  Given in Rome, in Saint Peter in the year one thousand five hundred and seventy of the Incarnation of the Lord, on the eve of the Ides of July, in the fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Based on the present Bull, one can, without fear of error, conclude the following:

a) That the Mass of Saint Pius V, as the Mass is usually called in Latin, was canonized compromising the infallibility of the Supreme Pontiff, which exempts it from all doctrinal, theological and liturgical errors. And he shields or protects her from any attempt to change or remove something from her.

b) This clause of the Bull is very important:

"Never add, delete or change anything to this newly edited Missal of Ours, we establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation" (11). I think this word "Never" attached to the; "Suppress or change" are words spoken whose purpose is not limited to the Pontificate of SS Pius XII, but rather go further and reach, in my opinion, even the Parousia itself, where the validity of this Bull ceased. The Holy Pontiff warns of “removing”, which is the same as suppressing, or “changing” with severe words that make the blood run cold: Know that you incur “under pain of Our indignation”. His Holiness Saint Pius V, according to the severe warning, it is seen that he had the spirit of prophecy and warned that the Popes, bishops and priests refrain from removing, suppressing and changing, ignoring the clear warning and without concessions to anyone of any kind.

Ignoring these holy warnings is ultimately incurring divine wrath no matter how "convincing" our arguments may be to do the opposite of what the Holy Pontiff commands, unless we are holier than he. "Contra facta non fit argumentum"

c) This other section is also very interesting, it contains three very interesting points:

1) - that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

2) that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

3) and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Since 1965 or after the Second Vatican Council, the obligation to pray the new mass was established obligatory throughout the Catholic world and they wanted to suppress the Mass of Saint Pius V or Mass in Latin, until now this perfidious struggle to suppress it continues. Catholic world, but these failed attempts collide and crumble before the divine wall found in this Bull. Once again Saint Pius V appears here with a great spirit of indisputable prophecy and the enemies of the Sacred found themselves in the sad situation of "accepting their defeat" and inventing a new Protestant rite, which has caused many disasters to the Holy Church. Instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this brief exposition of the Bull "Quo Primum Tempore" I am moved by no other spirit than to expose truthfully and in total adherence to the thought of the legislator here on earth who is none other than Saint Pius V, God grant me the grace of never be separated from the words written in this Bull, despite the sorrows that the suffering Spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Church is currently going through, I beg the Blessed Virgin Mary to always keep me in this spirit of said Bull, which is none other than that of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Bull "Quo primum tempore" From Saint Pope Pius V. And the supposed prohibition of the Latin rite of the Mass.

With great indignation we have seen how the current "Pontiff" returned to the charge with a bold and patent hatred against the Holy Mass in the venerable Latin rite. From the Vatican II "Conciliabulum" to this moment the "popes," in one way or another, have abused their authority in many points of the two thousand year old tradition of the Church. But with special and unacceptable hatred against this venerable rite as is the Holy Mass in the Latin rite, emulating Luther himself with this unprecedented daring and going beyond what was done by the heresiarch.

We cannot be silent, much less support such an abuse of authority, much less obey an iniquitous prodition and contrary to the Divine Will which must be obeyed above all and above all men including the current "high priest". We would commit an act of union with a modernist heresy already condemned by Saint Pius X, if we consciously gave our unconditional support to this barbarity that clearly demonstrates their hatred of everything HOLY.

To refute and make clear the position of the Catholic Church, we will present another argument of authority emanating from His Holiness Saint Pius V, his famous bull QUO PRIMUM TEMPORE, may God, in his infinite goodness, open your intelligence, meditate and understand why the The usual Mass CANNOT BE FORBIDDEN BY ANYONE, MUCH LESS SUPPRESSED, once our opinion has been expressed, let's move on to the bull.

-Pio Bishop Servant of the servants of God for perpetual memory

I. From the first moment in which we were elevated to the pinnacle of the Apostolate, we willingly applied our spirit and our strength and directed all our thoughts towards those things that tended to preserve the Church's worship pure and we endeavored to organize them and, with the help of God himself, for carrying them out with all due dedication.

II. And since, among other decisions of the Holy Council of Trent, it is incumbent on us to establish the edition and reform of the sacred books – the Catechism, the Missal and the Breviary – after having already, thank God, published the Catechism for the instruction of the people

and completely corrected the Breviary so that due praise is rendered to God, it seemed necessary to us then to think as soon as possible about what was lacking in this field:

edit a Missal that corresponded to the Breviary, as is congruent and appropriate (because it is extremely convenient that in the Church of God there is only one way of psalmodying, only one rite to celebrate the Mass).

III. Consequently, we have estimated that such a charge should be entrusted to chosen wise men: it is they, certainly, who have restored such a Missal to the pristine norm and rite of the Holy Fathers (3) . This task was carried out after carefully collecting all the texts – the ancient ones from our Vatican Library together with others searched for everywhere, corrected and without alterations – and after also consulting the writings of the ancients and recognized authors who left us testimonies about the venerable institution of rites.

IV. Having already revised and corrected the Missal, we have ordered  after mature reflection  that it be printed as soon as possible in Rome, and, once printed, edited, so that all may reap the fruit of this institution and the task undertaken. And especially so that the priests know what prayers they should use from now on, what rites or ceremonies they have to maintain in the celebration of the Masses.

V. Well then: in order that everyone everywhere embrace and observe what has been transmitted to them by the sacrosanct Roman Church, mother and teacher of the other Churches, henceforth and for the perpetuity of future times we prohibit (  4   that other formulas be sung or recited than those in accordance with the Missal edited by Us, and this in all the Patriarchal, Cathedral, Collegiate and Parochial Churches of the Provinces of the Christian world, secular and regular of any Order or Monastery – both men and of women and even of militias – and in the Churches or Chapels without charge of souls, where the Conventual Mass is customary or should be celebrated, in a loud voice with choir or in a low voice, according to the rite of the Roman Church (7  ) .

Even if those same Churches, due to any dispensation, have been protected by a pardon from the Apostolic See, by a custom, by a privilege (even sworn), by an Apostolic confirmation or by any type of permit.

Unless  (8)  in such Churches, precisely from an initial institution approved by the Apostolic See or as a result of a custom, the latter or the institution itself have been observed without interruption in the celebration of Masses for more than two hundred years.  To these Churches, in no way do we suppress the celebration

instituted or customary. In any case, if you like this Missal more, which is now coming to light under Our care, We allow you to celebrate Masses according to it without any impediment, if the Bishop, the Prelate or the entire Chapter consents.

SAW. Instead  (9) , by depriving all the other Churches listed above  (10)  of the use of their own Missals, by totally and radically discarding them, and by decreeing that  nothing should ever be added, deleted or changed to this newly edited Our Missal, We establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation  (11) .

Thus, jointly and individually to all the Patriarchs of such Churches, their Administrators and other persons who stand out for some ecclesiastical dignity – even when they are Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church or are vested with any degree or pre-eminence – we send and We strictly precept, by virtue of holy obedience:

- that they sing and read the Mass according to the rite, manner and norm that we now transmit through this Missal, henceforth completely abandoning and flatly discarding all other procedures and rites observed until today by custom and originating in other Missals of various antiquity;

- and that they do not dare to add or recite in the celebration of the Mass ceremonies other than those contained in the present Missal.

VII- In addition (12) , by Apostolic authority  (13)  and according to the present, we give concession and pardon  (14) , also in perpetuity, that in the future they completely follow this Missal  (15)  and that they can, with validity  (16) , to use it freely and lawfully in all the Churches without any scruples of conscience and without incurring in punishments, sentences, or

censorship of any kind (17).

VIII. Likewise, we establish and declare:

- that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

- that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

- and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Notwithstanding  (18)  the preceding contrary statutes or customs of any kind, such as: Apostolic constitutions and ordinances, general or special constitutions and ordinances issued by Provincial and Synodal Councils, nor the use of the Churches listed above, when, despite being strengthened by a very ancient and immemorial prescription, it does not exceed two hundred years.

IX. Instead, it is Our will and we decree  (19)  by the same authority that, after the publication of this constitution and the Missal, the priests present in the Roman Curia are obliged to sing or recite the Mass according to the same at the end of the month; for their part, those who live on this side of the Alps, after three months; and those who live beyond those mountains, after six months or from when they find it for sale. X (20) 

And so that in all places on earth it may be preserved without corruption and purified from defects and errors, also by authority or by Apostolic authority and in accordance with this we prohibit the audacity or daring to print, offer or receive in any forms this Missal without Our license or the special license of an Apostolic Commissioner that We will constitute for this purpose in each region: he must previously give full faith to each printer that the copy of the Missal that will serve as a model for the others, has been collated with the one printed in Rome according to the original edition, and agrees with it and does not disagree at all.

(Our prohibition is addressed) to all printers who live in the domain directly or indirectly subject to Us and to the Holy Roman Church, under penalty of confiscation of books and a fine of two hundred gold ducats payable ipso facto to the Apostolic  Chamber ; and to the others established in any part of the world, under penalty of excommunication  latæ sententiæ  (automatic) and other punishments at our discretion.

XI. By the way, as it would be difficult to transmit this Letter to all places in the Christian world and make it known to all from the beginning, we hereby precept: that they be published and posted, according to custom, on the doors of the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles and the Apostolic Chancery and at the end of Campo de Flora; and that the copies of this Charter that are shown or exhibited - even the printed ones, subscribed by one's own hand by some public tabillion and also insured with the seal of a person constituted in ecclesiastical dignity - be granted in every nation and place the same perfectly indubitable faith that would be bestowed upon the present.

XII. Therefore, that absolutely none of the men is lawful to break or go, by reckless audacity, against this page of Our permission, statute, order, mandate, precept, concession, pardon, declaration, will, decree and prohibition (21) .

But if anyone dares to attack this, they will know that they have incurred the indignation of Almighty God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

  Given in Rome, in Saint Peter in the year one thousand five hundred and seventy of the Incarnation of the Lord, on the eve of the Ides of July, in the fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Based on the present Bull, one can, without fear of error, conclude the following:

a) That the Mass of Saint Pius V, as the Mass is usually called in Latin, was canonized compromising the infallibility of the Supreme Pontiff, which exempts it from all doctrinal, theological and liturgical errors. And he shields or protects her from any attempt to change or remove something from her.

b) This clause of the Bull is very important:

"Never add, delete or change anything to this newly edited Missal of Ours, we establish and ordain it through Our present Constitution, valid in perpetuity, and under penalty of Our indignation" (11). I think this word "Never" attached to the; "Suppress or change" are words spoken whose purpose is not limited to the Pontificate of SS Pius XII, but rather go further and reach, in my opinion, even the Parousia itself, where the validity of this Bull ceased. The Holy Pontiff warns of “removing”, which is the same as suppressing, or “changing” with severe words that make the blood run cold: Know that you incur “under pain of Our indignation”. His Holiness Saint Pius V, according to the severe warning, it is seen that he had the spirit of prophecy and warned that the Popes, bishops and priests refrain from removing, suppressing and changing, ignoring the clear warning and without concessions to anyone of any kind.

Ignoring these holy warnings is ultimately incurring divine wrath no matter how "convincing" our arguments may be to do the opposite of what the Holy Pontiff commands, unless we are holier than he. "Contra facta non fit argumentum"

c) This other section is also very interesting, it contains three very interesting points:

1) - that neither Prelates, nor Administrators, nor Chaplains nor other secular Priests of any denomination or regulars of any Order shall not be obliged to celebrate Mass in a manner other than that established by Us;

2) that they cannot be forced or compelled by anyone to replace this Missal;

3) and that this Charter can never be revoked or modified at any time, but that it always stands firm and valid in its force.

Since 1965 or after the Second Vatican Council, the obligation to pray the new mass was established obligatory throughout the Catholic world and they wanted to suppress the Mass of Saint Pius V or Mass in Latin, until now this perfidious struggle to suppress it continues. Catholic world, but these failed attempts collide and crumble before the divine wall found in this Bull. Once again Saint Pius V appears here with a great spirit of indisputable prophecy and the enemies of the Sacred found themselves in the sad situation of "accepting their defeat" and inventing a new Protestant rite, which has caused many disasters to the Holy Church. Instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this brief exposition of the Bull "Quo Primum Tempore" I am moved by no other spirit than to expose truthfully and in total adherence to the thought of the legislator here on earth who is none other than Saint Pius V, God grant me the grace of never be separated from the words written in this Bull, despite the sorrows that the suffering Spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Church is currently going through, I beg the Blessed Virgin Mary to always keep me in this spirit of said Bull, which is none other than that of Our Lord Jesus Christ.