
viernes, 23 de julio de 2021



The destruction of the Vatican

Unfortunately, the Vatican II Church opposes tradition, this is not the same thing. The Pope then asked me not to break with the unity of the Church. In addition, he threatened me with canonical penalties if I do the episcopal consecrations on June 30.

I must admit that the atmosphere before writing the protocol, in the seminars was harmonious or good, then after the protocol there was nervousness (there was also confusion, I remember it very well, but confidence returned again when Bishop Marcel Lefebvre revoked the protocol in response to threats from Rome which explains the final sentence of this part) the events that have come down to us from Rome have been sobering and discouraging. However, spirits recovered.

We have a very clear example of the actual behavior of Rome.

Don Agustín, who has a monastery in Flavigny in which there are twenty-four priests, came and told me: “My lord, I cannot stay with you, I agree with Rome (Rome asked all those who signed the agreement to separate from Archbishop Lefebvre) I return to obedience with Rome, (Dom Austin reminds me a lot of those who at all costs who want to return to obedience with modernist Rome because for them Archbishop Lefebvre and his spirit have died as Father assures me Montagud superior of the Autonomous House of Spain in 2012 when I left the Neo Fraternity) I cannot stay with you. "Well, he met the authorities of   Rome with the hope of maintaining the tradition, and that the traditional Mass for its monks would be kept in its monastery, but regarding the conventual mass, Rome demanded the Council Mass, even if it was “from time to time” Instead of saying: you you can keep the tradition, they said we can change the tradition. (This false illusion of the accordionists of wanting to change or convert Rome to the Tradition of the Church is a lamentable chimera, and completely false illusion. ¿I heard this several times from the mouths of my previous superiors of the Fraternity, and now what happens? Who wants to change who?)
We consider the possibility of a second example: another monastery, Fontgombault. They agreed with Rome to keep in obedience for fifteen years to the new Mass, because the bishops had said that we should have the new Mass, they did. The pardon of Rome comes to all those who have accepted the new mass, now it is possible to say traditional Mass. (This pardon was given by John Paul II TO GO AGAINST Bishop Lefebvre)This applies perfectly to Fontgombault. But the Archbishop of Bourges refused to give permission to say the Conventual Traditional Mass. The Abbot of Fontgombault addressed Rome directly to the Congregation of worship, but Bishop Mayer told him: "You know, it is difficult, so try to see the Pope." The Pope, for his part, said to Cardinal Mayer: "Make an effort, maybe we can fix it ..." Cardinal Mayer finally sent it to the Bishop of Bourges again with the Pope's message. However, in the end they stayed with the new conventual mass, despite having perfectly complied with the conditions of the pardon.

CANNOT BE TRUSTED, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. And I am going to give one last example, an extraordinary example. You have heard, without a doubt, and that you did some newspaper articles, two years ago, the deserters of Ecône! He left here and took nine seminarians with him. He, who was somehow the head of this little rebellion, Father Bizig stayed in the seminary for a while, he hid his intentions, and he even advised eight more seminarians to leave Ecône. It is related to Abbe Gregoire Billot, who is here in Baden, Switzerland, which is himself Father Billot related to Cardinal Ratzinger, who speaks German. He called Cardinal Ratzinger: "No, not in Ecône nine seminarians are ready to go. What do you promise? What are you going to do with them? As for the second batch it happened after the consecrations. Ratzinger answered: ¡Oh! This is very good,This is a unique opportunity, if you are promised "wonders", now we know those "wonders" with Francisco and his famous "Tradicionis Custodes" there will be others who will come. Cardinal Ratzinger said again: "I am glad that there are some who have left Ecône and I hope that there will be others who will follow these first."

You know very well, it was the famous seminary "Mater Ecclesiae" (or also Fraternity Saint Peter) led by a Cardinal Innocenti together with Cardinal Garrone, and a third by Cardinal Ratzinger, officially approved by the Pope in L'Osservatore Romano. A global business. All the newspapers in the world have talked about this traditional seminar formed by the deserters of Ecône, which attracts so many seminarians who have the same sensitivity as the seminarians of Econe. They left there and met the twenty deserting seminarians with whom they spoke.

 I assure you that this letter that has just reached us these days is worth reading. Father Bizig writes: "I regret it", "I am sorry, we have lost everything, there was no commitment. We are miserable, we do not yet know where to go".

Well this is for people who wanted to join in Rome! ... (all those who seek agreements with Modernist Rome take note) This was going to be our case. we are more and more sure. The more we think about the mood of these conferences, the more we realize that they are setting a trap for us, a trap for us, and what tomorrow? They are going to say, now the traditional mass is over, (¡that morning I have already arrived, what a prophecy of Bishop Lefebvre!) They must also accept the new mass. It should not be against the new mass, they will tell us this "

Here is an example given by Cardinal Ratzinger. "For example, in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, my lord, when the protocol was signed, it is evident that Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet does not remain as it is now. Why? Because Saint Nicholas is a parish that depends on the archdiocese of Paris and Cardinal Lustiger. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that in the parish of Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet there is a new mass regularly every Sunday. We cannot accept that the parishioners have a new mass, they can go in their parish church where is the new mass . "Look at this! This is the beginning of the introduction: ¡accept the new church, align ourselves… It is not possible! We feel in a system from which we cannot escape.

Indissoluble difficulties arise with the bishops, with the movements of the dioceses that want us to work with them if we are recognized by Rome. We have all the unimaginable difficulties. That is why I believe and the Pope seemed to be in good conscience that we could not continue. Therefore, I have addressed ... my letter of June 2, to the Holy Father and I have announced to him the consecration of four bishops to be celebrated June 30.

You have a sheet that has given you information about these bishops. L'osservatore Romano published the excommunication, a declaration of schism of course.

What does this all mean? Excommunication by whom? By modernists of Rome, a Rome that claims to have more perfection than the Catholic faith. We cannot say that when there is an event like Assisi, it is still Catholic. It's not possible. We can not say that when the Kyoto, and the statements that were made in the Jewish synagogue and the ceremony that took place last year in Santa Maria in Trastevere, is today's Rome still Catholic? This is outrageous. IT IS NO LONGER CATHOLIC.

So we are excommunicated by the modernists, by the people who were condemned by the previous popes. (Among them His Holiness Saint Pius X, in the encyclical Pacendi Gregis. How sad to be excommunicated by a Saint) So what to do? We are condemned by the people who are condemned, and who must be publicly condemned. This leaves us indifferent. It has no value of course . Declaration of schism with what, with the Pope, the successor of Peter? No, modernist schism with the previous Popes, yes, the schism with the ideas of the Popes after the Second Vatican Council who have spread everywhere, the ideas of the Revolution, the modern ideas. Yes, we are in schism with that. We do not accept them, of course. I personally have no intention of breaking with Rome. We want to be united to Rome, and we are always sure to be united to Rome forever, because in our seminaries, our preaching, in all our lives and the lives of the Christians who follow us, we follow the traditional life, as it was before the Second Vatican Council and that was lived twenty centuries ago. So I don't see why we would be in a break with Rome, because we do what Rome itself has advised us to do for twenty centuries. It's not possible. This is how things are now. It is important to understand not to argue about it.

So one might think: there was a bishop, that's fine. You could have a few more members of the Roman council. But that is not what interests us. This is the basic problem that is always behind us and scares us. We do not want to be collaborators in the destruction of the Church. I wrote in my Open Letter to perplexed Catholics - I have finished by then "I don't want the good Lord to tell me at the time of my death: ¿what did you do on earth? You have also helped demolish my Church." That's not true. I have not contributed to demolishing the church. I have helped build it. Those who demolished it are the ones who spread ideas that destroy the Church and who were condemned by my predecessors. This is the background to these events. These events that are lived in these days, of course, I will speak and there will be a large crowd on June 30 at the consecration ceremony of four bishops who are young in the service of the Brotherhood. Good! These four bishops will serve the brotherhood here.

The one who has the responsibility of continuing relations with Rome if they are viable, when I disappear, will be the Superior General of the Society, Father Schmidberger, who has yet another six years as Superior General. It is he who will finally contact Rome to follow the conferences, if they continue or if the contact is maintained, which is unlikely for some time, since in the Osservatore Romano it will be commented with a great Title: "Archbishop's schism Lefebvre, excommunicated ... " For X years, maybe two or three years, I don't know, what will be of all this.

Ecône June 15, 1988.

  Before concluding with this article, it is convenient to take into account what is written in parentheses because they verify what Bishop Lefebvre said and can be adapted to the reality that true Catholics are living today.  In particular, it is a keynote address where it addresses the great theme of a close combat between the two-thousand-year tradition of the Church and the heretical Modernism of our times. If you like, a fight between good and evil. Between truth and error, in short, between Jesus Christ and the anti-Christ.  Archbishop Lefebvre makes very clear several points that should be considered carefully because they are so current despite the years in which this conference was said, these points are, perhaps and in fact there are many more:

1. The open opposition of Vatican II to the two-thousand-year tradition of the Church, Bishop himself says at the beginning of this article, I quote his words: “Unfortunately, the Church of Vatican II opposes tradition, this is not the same thing". 

Under this lapidary phrase there are several logical consequences typical of those who know what they do and what they want: the total extinction of the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Irrefutable proof of this is Francisco's recent document, “Traditionis custodes”.

2. The false ecumenism, understand it well, the Catholic Church does not reject the well-understood ecumenism that is one that seeks the conversion of heretics, Muslims or Jews to the true religion, but it rejects this false ecumenism that flows from the Second Vatican Council where it already he does not seek conversion, but on the contrary proclaims that men can be saved by remaining in the same religion, this is not Catholic.

3. Bishop emphasized many times that you CANNOT TRUST, NOT POSSIBLE an agreement with Rome. If in the time of Mgr. He ended up totally disappointed and disgusted with those who led and currently direct modernist Rome .These words are a great reference not only for the Fraternity but also for all those congregations that strive to maintain the tradition of always. But unfortunately several congregations ignoring these words even while this great prelate was alive, made agreements with Rome with the disastrous consequences recounted by Archbishop Lefebvre in this conference, as if to say: "Do not be under any illusions that modernists cannot be converted" " do not fall into their traps "" do not be carried away by his words or sirenesque songs empty of truth and full of satanic lies. "

4. For his tenacious opposition to the modernist errors emanating from the Second Vatican Council and for his love for the unique truth and the only Church, he obtained as a reward that invalid excommunication to which I answer with these accurate and profound words: So we are excommunicated by the modernists, by people who were condemned by previous popes. We are condemned by the people who are condemned, and who must be publicly condemned. This leaves us indifferent. It has no value of course. His fear of God was not servile but filial in its highest expression. Thanks to him, he was able to say these words without hesitation because, furthermore, his conscience was very clear, he knew for sure what he was doing right.

5. That tranquility of conscience led him to say before he died: So I don't see why we would be in a break with Rome, because we are doing what Rome itself has advised us to do for twenty centuries. It's not possible. This is how things are now. It is important to understand not to argue about it. Regarding the destruction of the Church by the modernists, he completely detached himself from said destruction when at the end of the conference he said: - "I don't want the good Lord to tell me at the hour of my death: what did he do in the earth? You have also helped demolish my Church. "

There is much to say about the errors of the Council, but in this article we only want to limit ourselves to what was said by Bishop Marcel Lefebvre. Those who want to delve more into the subject I recommend the works written by him, which are many, Iota unum and The Rhine flows into the Tiber among so many that have been written on this much debated subject.



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