
martes, 24 de enero de 2023


Editor's note. When I uploaded this doctrinal writing by Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, I felt tempted to "touch it up" on the very complicated subject of the Pope, but when I was correcting it in terms of form, not content, I realized that he treats this with great prudence. subject that there is nothing left to correct or add so as not to hurt the feelings of those who do not think like him regarding the PAPACY. On the other hand, who am I to correct a great and courageous prelate that the Church gave us as another gift for the present times? Therefore, he left the text exactly as he wrote it.

It is true that he refers to the Society of Saint Pius X in terms of the integrity of the doctrine that it teaches, but those times refer to the times that he lived both in its foundation, and in his period as general superior of said congregation and Finally, as spiritual director of the same congregation, but we cannot say the same of the current Fraternity that already deals with the modernists and signs agreements with them, although they continue to deny it.

Dear brothers, dear friends:

Providence has delicacies, since it has wanted that this beginning of courses, that this new beginning of seminary courses coincide with the anniversary of my episcopal consecration that took place on September 19, 1947 in my hometown1. At the request of friends, we wanted to celebrate this anniversary in a particular way.

Now, this morning we read the readings from Tobias in the breviary. It was said that young Tobias, when he found himself surrounded by Jews, by men of his race who worshiped the golden calves established by the king of Israel himself, he, on the contrary, faithfully went to the temple and offered the sacrifices foreseen by the law just as God himself had requested. He was, therefore, faithful to the law of God.

Well, let us hope that we too are faithful to God, faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ. And Tobias was later taken captive to Nineveh, and there, says the Holy Scripture, when all his compatriots submitted to the pagan cult that surrounded them, he also kept the Truth: “reünuit omne nem veritatem”. He kept the Truth. I think it is a lesson that Holy Scripture gives us, and we hope that we too will be faithful as Tobias was, faithful in his youth, faithful later in captivity. It is not true that today we are, in a certain way, in a captivity that surrounds us everywhere, manifests itself everywhere, is imposed on us by those who submit to the evil spirit, in the world and even within ourselves. the Church, for those who destroy the Truth, have it in slavery instead of manifesting it, showing it. But we want to keep the Truth, we want to continue manifesting it. And what, therefore, is this Truth? ¿Do we have their monopoly? Are we so presumptuous that we can say: ¿we have the Truth, others don’t? This Truth does not belong to us, it does not come from us, it has not been invented by us. This Truth is transmitted to us, it is given to us, it is written, it is alive in the Church and in the entire history of the Church. This Truth is known, it is in our books, in our catechisms, in all the acts of the Councils, in the acts of the Supreme Pontiffs, it is in our Creed, in our Decalogue, in the gifts that the Good God has granted us: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the sacraments. We are not the ones who invented it. We do nothing but persevere in the Truth. Because the Truth has an eternal character. The Truth that we profess is God, Our Lord Jesus Christ who is God, and God does not change. God remains immutable, Saint Paul is the one who tells us: "nec vicissitudinis obumbratio". There is not even a shadow of vicissitude in Him, a shadow of change in God. God is immutable, “semper idem”, always the same. He is, by the way, He, the source of everything that changes, of everything that moves in the universe, but He is immutable.

And by the very fact that we profess God as Truth, we enter, in some way, through Truth into eternity. We have no right to change it, this Truth cannot change, it will never change. Men have been placed in this world to receive a little of this light of eternity that descends on them. Somehow they too become eternal, immortal, to the extent that they get closer to the Truth, of God. To the extent that they cling to things that change, to mutable things, they are no longer with God. And this is what we feel the need for. All men feel that need. They have in them an immortal soul that is now in eternity, a soul that will be happy or unhappy, but this soul exists, it will no longer die, this is definitive. Men, all those who have been born, all those who have a soul have entered eternity. And for this reason they need eternal things, the true eternity that is God. We cannot deprive ourselves of Him, this is part of our life, it is what is most essential in us. That is why men seek the Truth, eternity, because they have in themselves an essential need for eternity.

And what are the means by which Our Lord has given us eternity, communicates it to us, makes us enter into our eternity, even here below? Often, when I went through these African countries, when I was asked to visit the dioceses, I chose a theme that was dear to me, very simple on the other hand and that you have already heard many times but that it made concrete, for those simple peoples whom I had to speak, the Truth. I told them: ¿but what are the gifts that God has given us that make us participate in divine life, in eternal life and that begin to place us in eternity? There are three main gifts that God, that Our Lord has given us: the Pope, the Blessed Virgin and the Eucharistic Sacrifice.


And, indeed, it is an extraordinary gift that God gave us by giving us the Pope, by giving us the successors of Peter, by giving us precisely this permanence in the Truth that is communicated to us by the successors of Peter, which must be communicated by the successors of Peter. And it seems inconceivable that a successor to Peter could fail, in some way, to communicate the Truth that he must transmit, because he cannot —without almost disappearing from the progeny of the Popes— not communicate what the Popes have always communicated: the deposit of faith, which does not belong to him either. The Truth of the deposit of Faith does not belong to the Pope. It is a treasure of Truth that has been taught for twenty centuries. And he must transmit it faithfully and exactly to all those to whom he is in charge of speaking, of communicating the Truth of the Gospel. He is not free.

And therefore, to the extent that it happens, due to absolutely mysterious circumstances that we cannot comprehend, that are beyond our imagination, that are beyond our conception, if it happened that a Pope, who is sitting in the seat of Peter, came to obscure in some way the Truth that must be transmitted, or no longer transmit it faithfully, or allow the darkness of error to spread, to hide the truth in a certain way, in which case we must pray to God with all our hearts, with all our souls, so that the truth may be done. light in which it is in charge of transmitting it. But we cannot change the Truth for that reason, fall into error, follow the error, because the one who has been entrusted with transmitting the Truth was weak and allowed the error to spread around him. We do not want darkness to invade us. We want to remain in the light of Truth. We remain faithful to what has been taught for two thousand years. Because it is inconceivable that what has been taught for two thousand years and which is, as I have told you, a part of eternity, can change. Because it is eternity that has been taught to us, it is eternal God, it is Jesus Christ the eternal God, and everything that is fixed in Jesus Christ is fixed in eternity, everything that is fixed in God is fixed for eternity. The Trinity can never be changed, the fact of the redeeming work of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Cross, through the Sacrifice of the Mass, can never be changed. They are eternal things that belong to eternity, that belong to God.

How could anyone down here change these things? What is the priest who would feel the right to change these things, to modify them? Impossible, impossible! When we preserve the past, we preserve the present and we preserve the future. Because it is impossible, I would say metaphysically, divinely impossible, to separate the past from the present and the future. Impossible! ¡O God is no longer God! ¡O God is no more eternal! Or God is no longer immutable. And then there is nothing else to believe, we are completely wrong. That is why, without worrying about everything that is happening around us today, we should close our eyes to the horror of the drama we are experiencing, close our eyes, affirm our Creed, our Decalogue, meditate on the Sermon on the Mount, which is our law likewise, clinging to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, clinging to the Sacraments, waiting for the light to be made around us again. That's all. Here is what we must do and not enter into rancor, violence, in a state of mind that would not be faithful to Our Lord, that would not be in charity.

Let us remain, let us remain in charity; Let us pray, let us suffer, let us accept all the tests, everything that can happen to us, everything that the Good God can send us. Let's do like Tobias: all his family had abandoned him, they adored the golden calves, they adored the pagan gods, he remained faithful. And yet, perhaps he himself must have thought that by being completely alone in fidelity, he risked being untrue. But no, he knew that what God had taught his parents could not change. The Truth of God existed and could not change. We too must lean on the Truth that is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow. "Jesus Christus hurt, hodie et in saecula". And that is why I would say: we must have confidence in the papacy, we must have confidence in the successor of Peter, insofar as he is Peter's successor. But if by chance he were not perfectly faithful to his role, then we must remain faithful to Peter's successors and not to someone who would not be Peter's successor. This is all. Indeed, he is in charge of transmitting to us the deposit of Faith.

The Blessed Virgin Mary The second gift is that of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Ella, never changed. ¡Imagine that the Blessed Virgin Mary could have changed the idea that she could have of the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, his divine Son, about the sacrifice of the Cross that He had to suffer, ¡about the work of Redemption! Was the Most Holy Virgin able to change one iota in her Faith? Could, at any time in her life, have doubts, fall into error? Could he doubt the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, doubt the Holy Trinity, She who was filled with the Holy Spirit? Impossible, inconceivable! She was already down here in eternity. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, by her Faith, an immutable, profound Faith, could not be disturbed in any way, this is evident. We must ask this holy Mother that we have her fidelity, “'Virgo fidelis”, faithful Virgin. Let's not get carried away by the noises that surround us; fidelity, fidelity, like the Blessed Virgin Mary. And I would add something about the Blessed Virgin Mary that I think is important for us at the time we are currently living. At every moment we are told: the Virgin has said this, that, the Virgin has appeared here, the Virgin has communicated such a message to such a person. By the way, we are not against the possibility of a word that the Blessed Virgin can address to people of her choice, obviously. But we are in such a period, at this moment, that we must be wary, we must be wary. The place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the theology of the Church, in the Faith of the Church, is, in my opinion, infinitely sufficient for us to love her above all creatures after Our Lord Jesus Christ, and for us to have a devotion that is a deep, continuous, daily devotion.

It is not necessary for us to have to constantly resort to messages of which we are not absolutely certain whether or not they come from the Blessed Virgin. I am not talking about the apparitions that have been and are openly recognized by the Church. But we must be very careful when it comes to the rumors that we hear today from all sides. At every moment I receive people or communications that would be sent to me from the Blessed Virgin, or from Our Lord, a message received here, another received there. We want the Blessed Virgin to be among us every day. But She is, we know, She is with us. She is present in all our Sacrifices of the Mass. She cannot be separated from the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our devotion to the Blessed Virgin must be deep, perfect, but it must not depend on any particular message.

The Eucharistic Sacrifice

Finally, the third gift of Our Lord Jesus Christ: the Eucharistic Sacrifice. God, Jesus Christ, gives himself to us through the Eucharistic Sacrifice. What could he do more beautiful? And what should we cling to more than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? I often say this to seminarians: if the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X has a special spirituality — I don't want it to have a special spirituality, it's not that I criticize the founders of orders like Saint Ignatius, Saint Dominic and Saint Vincent de Paul, etc. ., in a word, to those who have wanted to give a special seal to their congregation, a seal that was undoubtedly wanted by Providence at the time they lived—, I think that if there is a particular seal in our priestly Fraternity of Saint Pio X, is the devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

May our spirits, our hearts, our bodies be captivated by the great mystery of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and, to the extent that we will better understand this great mystery of the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharist, because the Sacrifice and the Sacramento are united, they are the two great realities of the Sacrifice of the Mass; To the extent that we deepen these things, we will also better understand what the priesthood is, the greatness of the priesthood. Because it is closely linked, I would say metaphysically, to the Sacrifice of the Mass. And this is very important in today's age. We need this, my dear friends. You need to be captivated by this spirituality of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Not only the priests, on the other hand, but also our religious, our brothers, our sisters and all the laity today, all our dear faithful who are present here. We must have a greater devotion than ever for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, because it is the foundation, the cornerstone of our Faith. To the extent that we no longer have this devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to the extent that we make this Sacrifice a mere meal, to the extent that Protestant ideas creep in among us, to this extent we ruin our holy religion.

I dare not cite the example of what happened in Chile during the three days I spent there. But, nevertheless, since that comes to my mind, I say it to you very simply to show you how far the idea of ​​the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been degraded in the highest and highest persons of the Catholic hierarchy. During our stay in Santiago de Chile, a concelebration presided over by the auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Chile appeared on television, surrounded — I have not seen television, but I have been told this by numerous people who attended — fifteen or twenty priests concelebrating with him. During this concelebration, the Auxiliary Bishop explained to the faithful, therefore to all those who watched it on television, that it was a meal, and that, therefore, he saw no objection to smoking during that meal. And he himself smoked during this concelebration. Here's what it comes to! To what degradation, to what sacrilege can a bishop arrive in front of all his parishioners! This is unheard of, inconceivable! Similar things would have to be repaired for years, this is an unimaginable scandal. But that shows us what level can be reached when you are no longer in the Truth. Then we must cling to the Sacrifice of the Mass as to the pupil of our eyes, to what is dearest in us, most respectable, most holy, most sacred, most divine. It is what this seminar is. All you want will be said about the seminar, it will be criticized from all sides: the seminar is this, the seminar is that, this has been decided in the seminar, that has been decided in the seminar. Nothing at all has been decided. Nothing has been changed at all. The seminary remains what it is. It continues to be what it was and what it was founded for. The seminary remains a Catholic seminary. And if God grants me life, the seminary will not change. I will die rather than change anything to the Catholic doctrine that must be taught in the seminary. (In fact, he died excommunicated rather than accept agreements with Rome, agreements that today the current Fraternity already accepts no matter how much they deny it)

We want to keep the Faith, we want to make Catholic priests, I have just explained it to you, for the three main things of the Catholic Church: the Pope, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. These are the foundations of our devotion here at Ecóne.

And         whatever happens we will not change, with the grace of God. So say what you want; the seminary has changed, the seminary has taken a new orientation, the seminary has this, the seminary has that; it is the devil who says it, because he wants to destroy the seminary. Obviously, he can't stand Catholic priests, he can't stand priests who have the Faith.

And         here it is necessary to say it clearly: around us, a little in all countries, but particularly in France, there are such divisions among those who want to keep the Catholic Faith, that slander breaks out, gossip, exaggerated words, reflections, senseless, unjustified Let us not concern ourselves with all that, let us speak, let us do well, let us do the will of God, according to the will of the Catholic Church, continuing what our predecessors and our ancestors did, what the Council of Trent asked the bishops to do, continuing the formation that has always been given to priests and we will have the certainty of being in the Truth. That's all. Let us remain calm, let us remain in the Faith. And if, by chance, we do not teach the Faith here, then leave me, if I do not teach you the Catholic Truth here, leave, dear seminarians, do not stay! It is your duty. But if I teach the Catholic Faith, if it is taught here—you have the entire library at your disposal to verify if we give the Catholic Faith or if we don't—then have confidence in us. But we will do everything so that the Catholic Faith continues to be taught here, in its integrity, so that you too can bring this truth that is so fruitful with grace and life, because Truth is also a source of life, a source of Grace. We need this life, the faithful demand it. Why do we have requests from everywhere to have priests? Because the faithful thirst for Truth, thirst for the grace of Our Lord, thirst for supernatural life, thirst for this divine life, thirst for this eternity to which they are heading. So let us have confidence in what the Church has always done, not confidence in Monsignor Lefevbre. I am a poor man like the others, I do not claim to be better than the others, quite the contrary. I don't know why the Good Lord has allowed me to have thirty years of episcopate. I think that, if I judged humanely, he would have preferred to remain as a missionary in the bushes of Gabon, isolated, and would not have had all the problems that I had during my thirty years of episcopate.

But the Good God has willed it and the Good God continues to test us, making us carry the cross. Well, if it's his will, let it be done. Let's continue to carry the cross. It is not because the Good God imposes crosses on us that we must abandon him. We do not have to abandon Our Lord, on the contrary! We must follow it.

So, my dear friends, be faithful, faithful to Our Lord, faithful to the Blessed Virgin Mary, faithful to the Pope, successor of Peter, when the Pope shows himself to be truly the successor of Peter, because that is what he is, we need him. We are not people who want to break with the authority of the Church, with the successor of Peter. But neither are we people who want to break with twenty centuries of tradition of the Church, with twenty centuries of successors of Peter.

Homily by HE Bishop Marcel Lefebvre

on the occasion of the 30.th anniversary

of his episcopal consecration

Econe, September 18, 1977





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