
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021



From right to left: John XXIII, PaulVI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis

 In the book of the Apocalypse of Saint John, the "abomination of desolation in the holy place" appears. There are two abominations of desolation, historically speaking: the first occurred when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the temple and the dispersion of the Jews throughout the world, this was a figure of the second. This other abomination of desolation occurred during the Second Vatican Council where not only was the Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass abolished, but it was the entrance of all heresies under heretical modernism. Since then the faith, the dogmas, the Catholic liturgy, the same Church founded by Jesus Christ, among other things, has been fought with diabolical ferocity as if they wanted to extinguish it from the face of the earth. Faced with this infernal modernist wave we cannot remain silent because ...

 I do not know what the Lord will dispose about me, I will not live more or less. But I know that sooner rather than later I will have to give an account to the Lord. At that moment in my life I do not know what I will respond to the question of the great Judge Our Lord when he asks me with a tremendous and accusing voice: have you contributed to the destruction of my Church, the priesthood and the Holy Mass? Have you denied me to them for human respect, for a nothing or a little? Have you silenced fundamental truths of my doctrine? And there are situations that we cannot keep quiet about.

We cannot remain silent in the face of the errors of the Second Vatican Council.

We cannot be silent in the face of error and heresy (modernist that devastates the Church of Our Divine Redeemer). We cannot be silent before those who say that Jesus was not God from the time he was born until he died. We cannot be silent before those who say that Jesus was a man and nothing more, denying the divinity of Our Lord. We cannot be silent before those who deny the existence of hell or those who preach that everyone is saved or that hell is empty. In the face of apostasy there is no room for silence.

We cannot be silent before those who say that the concept of transubstantiation is outdated and that it must be dispensed with in order to reach unity with the Lutherans. We cannot be silent before those who say that everyone can take Communion: Protestants, unrepentant sinners, atheists ...

We cannot be silent before those who pretend that the Blessed Virgin Mary was a woman like any other and that she had sexual relations like anyone else. We cannot be silent before those who seriously offend the honor of our Blessed Mother day after day.

We cannot be silent before those who affirm that you can go to confession and receive communion, even if you live in adultery: even if you have been divorced and have remarried civilly.

We cannot be silent before those who promote religious indifferentism, who say that the only important thing is "love" and affirm that God wants there to be a diversity of religions and that all of them lead to salvation equally.

We cannot remain silent before the idolatrous adoration of the Pachamama.

We cannot be silent before those who want to change the moral doctrine of the Church, before those who want to bless homosexual unions, before those who want us to see de facto unions as good, before those who want to throw away Humanae Vitae or Veritatis Splendor.

We cannot be silent before the modernists who demand the female priesthood or the abolition of compulsory celibacy for priests.

We cannot remain silent in the face of the situation of the martyr Church of China. Our Chinese brothers prefer to be martyrs rather than bow down to the communists. And the Holy See signs secret agreements with the communists so that the underground Church has to bow to the dictates of the "Patriotic Church"; that is, to the communist party. The same party that destroys temples, demolishes crosses, imprisons bishops and forces to change the religious images of the churches for those of Xi Jinping and the texts of the Gospel for the proclamations of the communists. We cannot shut up and leave Cardinal Zen and the Chinese Catholic brothers alone.

We cannot remain silent in the face of the sexual scandals carried out by so many priests, religious, bishops and even cardinals. It is not possible to be silent before the wicked, before the impious or before the concealers of so much evil.

We cannot remain silent before a sworn Church that submits to the globalism of the UN and to all the ideological fashions of the moment.

We can not. We simply cannot be silent. In the face of error, in the face of heresies, we cannot remain silent. We have to fight sin always. And at the same time, we have to worry about the sinner: we have to try to make them repent of their sins; we have to see to it that they convert. We have to pray a lot for the salvation of their souls: that is true charity.

I make my own, with all humility and obviously without pretending to compare myself with her, the words of Saint Catherine of Siena:

"The time has come to cry and lament because the Bride of Christ is persecuted by her perfidious and corrupt members. The mystical body of the holy Church is surrounded by many enemies. For this reason, you see that those who have been placed so that Be pillars and maintainers of the Holy Church, they have become its persecutors with the darkness of heresy. Therefore, it is not necessary to sleep, but to defeat them with vigil, tears, sweats; and with painful and loving desires, with humble and continuous prayer. . "

Why are you silent? This silence is the undoing of the world. I ask you to act in such a way that the day the Supreme Truth judges you, I don't have to say these harsh words to you: "Damn you, you who haven't said anything." Ah, enough silence! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. The Bride of Christ has lost her color (Lam 4, 1), because there are those who suck her blood, which is the blood of Christ, which, given gratuitously, is stolen by pride, denying the honor due to God and giving it to themselves. same.

Why are you silent? You cannot and should not be silent. I, at least, can't. Burst your heart and your soul to see so many offenses to God. If you loved God you would not fear cowardly, but with audacity and a brave heart you would rebuke mistakes and you would not be silent or turn a blind eye. We will all have to account for our words, our silences and our actions.

 The Catholic Cristeros of Cristero Mexico gave us an example in terms of the defense of the Church and of our sacrosanct Faith by giving their lives for God, the Virgin of Guadalupe and the country, watering the fields with their blood which soaked them and gave new fruit as fruit. Pleiades of Catholics, but not cowards, fearful and comfortable.

Another courageous example of fidelity to God before men are kings or not, we have it from Mattathias father of Judas Maccabeus and his brothers. The emissaries of King Antiochus told Mattathias: You are the chief, the greatest, the most enlightened in this city, and glorious with that crown of sons and brothers. Come then, you first, and do what the king commands, as all nations have done, and the barons of Judah… and with this you and your children will be friends of the king, who will fill you with great gifts. Mattathias answered and said in a loud voice: Although all the nations obey King Antiochus, and all abandon the observance of the law and of their parents, and submit to the king's command, I and my children and my brothers will obey the law of our parents. May God protect us, it is not profitable for us to abandon the Law and the precepts of God. We will not heed the words of King Antiochus, nor will we offer sacrifices. Violating the commandments of our Law by following another path ”(Mac. II. See 18-22).

These should be our last words no longer regarding the old Law but the new one preached by Jesus Christ and left to the Apostles. No to modernism, no to its Protestant Masses, no to its iniquitous laws that go against the bi-millennial tradition of the Church founded by our divine Savior from now on and confirmed before our appearance before God, after our death.




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