martes, 7 de septiembre de 2021

CONTEMPORARY HERESY: Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre



 In previous articles I tried to expose how Providence wanted participation in its authority to be for all men a source of benefits not only temporary but eternal. The family, the city, the Church, are truly gifts of God only to the extent that authority is the master key of these societies and perfectly fulfills its role, within the limits set by the particular purpose of each one of them. The three being of divine origin, they can only be complementary and all be ultimately oriented towards the highest good, the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Decreasing or restricting these authorities, limiting their exercise, contrary to the divine institution, immediately brings serious consequences in the life of these societies, and in a more or less long term, it involves their disintegration through anarchy or tyranny, which are the two deadly diseases for societies. In order to accurately judge the evils that societies have attained, especially since these last centuries, it is necessary to find in history this permanent tendency of man's rebellion against authority. The family and civil society have not truly found the perfect fulfillment of their end, their balance, true peace, through the teachings of the Church and the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.This permanent tendency of man's rebellion against authority must be found in history. The family and civil society have not truly found the perfect fulfillment of their end, their balance, true peace, through the teachings of the Church and the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.This permanent tendency of man's rebellion against authority must be found in history. The family and civil society have not truly found the perfect fulfillment of their end, their balance, true peace, through the teachings of the Church and the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is a fact of daily experience that when the spouses no longer want to submit to the teaching of the Church, the family is corrupted. The same happens when the authority of the head of the family is no longer exercised over his wife and children, as in the case of socialist societies. Instead, tyranny leads to polygamy and all the evils that flow from it. The same principles can be applied to civil society. The supposed "social contract", the separation of Church and State, the "new law", as designated by Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical” Immortale Dei" they have ruined societies that live between anarchy and tyranny without rediscovering their normal equilibrium. If the Church allows itself to be partially reached by these evils, that is, if men intend to reform the divine constitution of the Church by calling on human reason, human science, the Church will suffer a serious crisis in her teaching and in his ministry.

We must earnestly hope, then, that the Church's teachings regarding authority and its exercise be honored again by the three societies founded by God himself. Pope Leo XIII bequeathed us fundamental documents in this field:  "Immortale Dei”, or the Christian constitution of the states;” Satis Cognitum”, or the divine constitution of the Church. This is of particular importance, since it is nothing more than the outline prepared by the First Vatican Council on the Church, the Pope and the Bishops. For the family society, the encyclical of Pope Pius XI ”Casti Connubii" summarizes all the doctrine of the Church. The rebellion against the authority that governs is called disobedience, it pushes to schism, to the rupture with the person invested with authority, and, ultimately, to the rupture with God.

Have we thought about comparing this rebellion that leads to schism with the rebellion of reason against faith, of human intelligence against the wisdom and mercy of God, and then against the authority of God, revealing his wisdom and the designs that did you like to carry out to manifest it? This rebellion is none other than heresy.

It is very instructive, while we live in a time that generates a new heresy more serious than all the preceding ones, to ask ourselves how this rebellion began in the father of heresy and lies. Let us ask the Angelic Doctor, and here is his answer:  "The Angel has desired to obtain his final beatitude by his own strength in what belongs to God alone" (Part I, q. 63, a. 3). Saint Thomas explains the two hypotheses of this perverse will: seeking only its natural end, despising the supernatural beatitude that could only be obtained with the grace of God, or pretending to acquire that supernatural beatitude by departing from the divine help established by the providential provisions. In both cases it is the rebellion of nature against faith, or in other words, the rejection of the Word of God, the only way to supernatural beatitude. Educated with this reality, we can easily conclude that the schismatic or heretic man acts exactly like the first schismatic, which was Lucifer. The human will stands up against the will of God. Reason is opposed to the authority of God, who reveals the ways of salvation by which His eternal wisdom pleased us to walk. Just as the Hebrews in the desert have often opposed their will to that of God and been severely punished, so many to whom the Good News comes either totally reject it and remain prisoners of their false ideologies and human inventions, or not it. they accept but partially, rejecting a humble and total submission to the authority of God revealed by the only Church that he has instituted to transmit his truth and grace to us.rejecting a humble and total submission to the authority of God revealed by the only Church that he has instituted to transmit his truth and grace to us.rejecting a humble and total submission to the authority of God revealed by the only Church that he has instituted to transmit his truth and grace to us.

All those who want to reach salvation, to their final happiness by their own strength - and not by Our Lord Jesus Christ, given by his Catholic and Roman Church - all the heresiarchs have rejected one or another of the divine inventions of Jesus Christ to save us, and generally they have begun by falsifying the fundamental postulates, the realities that are at the very origin of redemption. One of the first facts that condition the entire Christian economy is original sin. If it is possible, in the history of humanity, to find reasons to conclude in an original disorder, however, it is by faith, the revelation that this sin is known to us with its precise and serious consequences, but also with the ineffable designs of God for his reparation, the Incarnation of the Word, the redemption through his cross,the justification of sinners by baptism and the sacraments or their incorporation into the Mystical Body of Our Lord. This is what explains why most, if not all, of the heretics began by distorting the notion of original sin or denying the fact, “Where do the enemies of religion come from, says Saint Pius X, to sow so many and so serious errors whose faith of such a great number is weakened. They begin by denying the primitive fall of man and his decay … it is the building of faith torn down from top to bottom” (“ Ad diem illum ”, February 2, 1904). The sin that introduces disorder into the intelligence and will of man hurts the pride of reason that cannot admit its weakness and ignorance and finds it unworthy to have to refer to faith to know the essential truths regarding its eternal salvation. Another truth that humbles reason is the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. How many solutions, some more subtle than others, and often contradictory, have been invented in the course of the last two centuries by Protestants, then by modernists and today by neo-modernists, to evacuate the divinity of Our Lord!

Grandmaison's Father, in his work on Jesus Christ, gives a surprising historical glimpse into the thinking of pagans, Jews and Muslims about the person of Jesus Christ. There is already in substance the doctrine of the antichrists of the Renaissance, after the liberal Protestants, the freethinkers, the rationalists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and, finally, Teilhard de Chardin and contemporary neo-modernists. De Porfirio, with his work ”Against Christians", from the thirteenth century to our deniers of the miracles of Our Lord or those who deny the Gospel of infancy, who question the virginal motherhood of Mary, is the same spirit of rejection of the supernatural and of faith in the authority of God revealing the works of his eternal wisdom. It can truly be said that if the presentation of the error and the people who present it change in the course of history, the error remains fundamentally the same. And yet, these rationalist thinkers and writers tend to present their ideologies as a novelty that for some should annihilate the Catholic Church, and for others should open new paths for the salvation of the world. Neither for Jews nor for Muslims, Jesus Christ is God. Jews admit that he is a distinguished moralist, Muslims say he is an apostle or a prophet, but nothing more. Luther, Voltaire, Rousseau, will mold a Christ in their own way, far removed from the true Christ. But his successors will be the true precursors of modern heresy. The following page, written by Father de Grandmaison forty years ago, is worth quoting in its entirety, for what he writes uniquely illuminates the crisis the Church is undergoing today:

“The forms of disbelief and irreligion that we have found within Christianity have been modeled to a certain extent on scientific or literary movements that would seem first of another order, having participated in the force of expansion that we have verified for humanism and for the scientific renewal that, beginning in the sixteenth century, did it reach with Leibnitz in 1716 and Isaac Newton in 1727 its maximum of ??? about the general public. The intellectual debauchery of the sixteenth century and the deism of the eighteenth are, to a large extent, in solidarity with these movements, as if any novelty tended to shake minds and make them question their previous beliefs with concern. That law is verified once again in the origins and success of liberal and modernist Christology. They are closely linked to the destinies of the hypotheses that Lessing, Herder and Goethe have applied to the history considered by them as that of a continuous, progressive development: "The divine education of humanity." Did these views, general and a bit vague, tend to replace the spontaneous action of collectivities with individual influences, the first one ??? be an organ more appropriate to the nature of the great. Divine, immanent, impersonal force that moves humanity towards its end ...“Since it is admitted that the total progress of the world - whose religious progress is only one of its aspects - is operated through fatal advances and constantly oriented in the same direction, the ground gained cannot be lost and the synthesis of today, going beyond Every need and partially encompassing everything, that of the vigil, cannot be manifestly recognized in Jesus, more than one link in an immense chain. It is not possible to see in his career, more than one step, as considerable as one wants, but one step at last towards the final realization of "the idea", a "synthesis" that will become a "thesis" in turn for be contradicted by an "antithesis" and finally pierced. If the facts do not seem to agree with their philosophical causes, that pure Hegelian will blame the facts, and every explanation will be good to make the Master of Nazareth enter the great pantheistic stream, where he will finally be leveled. “The essence of these visions is common to all Hegel's disciples, but they are sometimes exposed in the writers of the Hegelian right as a moderation, a tone of respect, a concern to put the matter on the divine character of the total evolution. and in particular about the incomparable realization of the Idea that was Jesus of Nazareth, which makes many Christians excited” (“Jesus Christ”, T. II, c. 3).

How can we not think of Teilhard de Chardin and all the Christians who today have their illusions reading his writings poisoned by that rationalism and that pantheism? This page admirably illustrates the continuity of the fundamental error that consists in wanting to submit to reason all the data of faith. The tendencies that we see today in the writings of the vogue theologians, clearly modernists, take their source there, that of all heresies. Unfortunately these tendencies are manifested in modern catechisms themselves and this is exceptionally serious. For one to dare to misrepresent the most essential truths of the faith, or to question them, is to place oneself outside the Catholic faith to the same degree as those who in the course of history have acted in the same way and found themselves outside of the true Church.

What ridicule to hear or read from those who believe in the necessary and fatal progress of humanity, that the men of our time and even more so their children are incapable of understanding words such as virginity, angels, hell, devotion, holiness, etc. … Let's say it, the world of today would not be able to understand the Catholic faith, even that of the Gospel! What a confession! But it is more likely to say that those who affirm these things have lost their faith and that from now on they feel incapable of communicating it:  "nobody gives what they don't have." We should not hesitate to proclaim in season and out of season that there is only one faith, only one baptism, that faith is a whole of which no article can be denied without being outside the Church and the way of salvation. Who opposes his reason to the revelation transmitted by the Catholic and Roman Church, even only on an essential point such as the substantial presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist, or the virginity of the Virgin Mary, or the existence of original sin committed by our first parents that makes us all guilty and deprives us of eternal life, separates from the Catholic Church and must be treated as a heretic, that is, excommunicated. (These points and many others like the existence of the devil or hell are constantly attacked by the new modernists, It is sad to hear that this or that priest does not believe in the presence of Satan in the modern world or that he doubts the Virginity of the Virgin Mary, even more so that they deny it directly)

Pope Leo XIII affirms this truth in a very eloquent way in the encyclical” Satis Cognitum”: it is then necessary that in a permanent way the constant and immutable mission of teaching everything that Jesus Christ himself teaches, on the other hand, must subsist in a permanent way. part, the constant and unchanging obligation to accept and profess all the doctrine thus taught. It is what Saint Cyprian expresses excellently in these terms:

“When Our Lord Jesus Christ in his Gospel declares that those who are not with him are his enemies, he does not designate a particular heresy, but rather denounces as his adversaries all those who are not totally with him and by not gathering with him they put dispersion in the flock: "He who is not with me is against me, he who does not gather with me scatters."

“Deeply penetrated by these principles and concerned with her duty, the Church has always had the greatest interest and has pursued with her greatest effort to preserve the faith in the most perfect way, the integrity of the faith. For this reason, she has regarded as declared rebels and has expelled away from her all those who did not think like her, on any point of doctrine. The Arians, the Montanists, the Novacians, the Quartodecimans, the Eutychians had surely not abandoned the entire Catholic doctrine, but only this or that part, and yet who does not know that they have been declared heretics and were rejected from the bosom of the world. Church? And a similar trial condemned all those guilty of erroneous doctrines that have appeared later in the different periods of history. Nothing could be more dangerous than these heretics than,preserving in all the rest the integrity of the doctrine, by a single word,Like a drop of poison, they corrupt the purity and simplicity of the faith that we have received from Tradition, from the Lord, then from the Apostles … “ Such has always been the custom of the Church, supported by the unanimous judgment of the Holy Fathers , who have always regarded as excluded from the Catholic communion and outside the Church whoever separated the least from the world of the doctrine taught by the authentic magisterium "  (Pontifical Teachings, Solesmes.  " The Church ", vol. I. 1, p. 370). Now, it is now evident that we live in a time when the Magisterium of the Church, in the face of manifest errors, in the face of true heresies, in the face of scandalous moral deviations, does not act with the vigor and precision that we have previously known. It is enough to have been aware of the debates of the Synod (meeting in Rome in 1967) regarding the dangers to faith, to be unfortunately convinced that a good number of pastors do not want to condemn error or heresy any more. They have explicitly stated it. There is one of the certain causes of the recklessness with which errors still propagate in and through the Catholic press. There is an inexplicable attitude and contrary not only to the whole tradition of the Church, but to simple common sense: to condemn error is to proclaim the truth that opposes such error, and is above all to prevent it from spreading and losing souls. It is more than evident that the most elementary of duties is to protect his flock from the wolves that surround him and hunt down the mercenaries who abandon them, according to the teachings of the Good Shepherd par excellence. Let us keep the integrity of our faith in the dispositions of humility and submission towards the divine authority that has been transmitted to us immutable through the centuries until today. Let us not be seduced by the artifices of the rationalists, successors of the heresiarchs of all times. Let us adhere to the certainly orthodox catechisms of the Council of Trent, of Saint Pius X, of Cardinal Gasparri. Let us flee from news contrary to the tradition of the Church. (like the Pacha Mama promoted by Francisco)

“Novitates devita”, Saint Paul was already saying.

"The heresiarchs,  says Bossuet in his discourse on universal history (Part II, c. 30)  have been able to dazzle men by their eloquence and under a guise of piety, stir them up by their passions, compromise them for their interests, attract them by the novelty and debauchery be for that of the spirit, be it even for that of the senses; in a word, they have been able to easily make mistakes or make others mistake, since there is nothing more human, but besides that they have not been able to either boast of having performed any miracle in public or reduce their religion to positive facts of which their followers they were witnesses, there is always an unfortunate fact for them, which they have never been able to hide: it is the fact of their novelty ”.



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